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ADVANCED ENGLISH: 20 Common Australian Slang Words.


What is Slang?

Slang is informal words or phrases that are typically used in speech more often than in writing. It can be specific to a particular group of people or region of the world or context therefore, the meanings of the words may not be apparent to everyone,

Australia is one country where slang forms a huge part of their language, and if a non-native doesn't have a previous knowledge of it, then a great deal of confusion could be experienced until they become accustomed to it.

Just like phrasal verbs and idioms, slang terms are an essential part of English, and for students who are trying to achieve a proficient level, then slang is an essential part that must be learned to a certain degree as a way to ensure comprehension during conversations.

The 60 Most Important Phrasal Verbs for Achieving a B2 to C2 Level of English.

The 50 Most Important Idioms for Achieving a B2 to C2 Level of English.

The 100 most important slang words to know in English.

The 20 most common British slang words.

The 20 common American slang words

Below is a list of slang words that are more commonly associated with Australian English, and essential to learn if you are intending to travel to Australia for any particular reason.


(Noun) Abbreviation of ‘afternoon’. See also: defo (definitely), servo (service station), avo (avocado) etc.
“I bumped into Johnno at the servo this arvo.”


(Noun) Abbreviation of ‘barbecue’; seldom used in the same sentence as ‘shrimp’.
“Let’s defo have a barbie this arvo.”


(Noun) A swimsuit; also ‘togs’ in Queensland and ‘swimmers’ or ‘cossies’ (abbr. of ‘swimming costume’) in New South Wales.
“Oh no, I’ve dropped avo on my bathers.”


(Adjective) An expression of emphasis (see also: heaps), particularly in anger.
“Oh no, I’ve dropped some bloody avo on my bathers.”


(Noun) A lazy person.
“I’m running around like a headless chook organising this bloody barbie, and Johnno’s just sitting there like a bludger!”


(Noun) An uncouth or uncultured person. See also: feral, ratbag, reptile, bevan etc.
“I can’t understand that bogan’s broad Australian accent.”


(Noun) Abbreviation of ‘bottle shop’, a store that sells alcohol.
“Geez there’s a lot of bogans at the bottle-o.”


(Noun/verb/adjective) A mild profanity that’s also one of the most versatile words in Australian English.
Exclamation; “Bugger! I dropped some more avo on myself.”
A term of sympathy; “Look at that poor bugger with avo all over his bathers.”
Tired, broken or ruined; “These bathers are buggered now.”
An annoying thing; “These avo-stained bathers a bit of a bugger.”
An impolite instruction; “Bugger off and change into some clean bathers.”


(Noun) Abbreviation of ‘chocolate biscuit’. See also: sunnies (sunglasses), undies (underwear), Crissie pressie (Christmas present) etc.
“I’m going to put my feet up this arvo with a cuppa and a choccy bikky.”


(Adjective) An expression used to emphasise truth or veracity.
“That choccy bikky tasted fair dinkum unbelievable.”


(Noun) Abbreviation of football; Australia’s favourite pastime.
“Should we invite Johnno around to watch the footy this arvo?”


(Noun) A stupid or idiotic person; often accompanied by the adjective ‘flaming’. Inspired by our very own native bird, known for flying into windows.
“Nah mate, Johnno’s a flamin’ galah.”


(Noun) Cheap wine sold in large cartons.
“Two types of people drink goon: bogans and backpackers.”


(Noun) McDonalds, a popular purveyor of fast food. See also: ‘Dirty Bird’ (KFC).
“Let’s pop into Maccas after the footy.”


(Noun) Friend; used in a variety of different contexts.
Addressing an actual friend: “G’day, mate.”
Addressing an enemy: “Listen here, mate…”
Expression of congratulations: “Maaate!”
Expression of indignation: “Aw, mate…”
Expression of surprise: “Mate!”
Expression of skepticism: “Maaate…”


(Noun) A round of drinks at a bar; nothing to do with raising one’s voice.
“It’s Johnno’s shout, the bludger.”


(Noun) Sausage – a cylinder of processed meat that represents Australia’s richest culinary tradition.
“I asked Johnno to pick up some snags for the barbie this arvo, but the galah forgot.”


(Noun) Sandals or ‘flip-flops’, wedged between one’s toes rather than one’s arse cheeks.
“Bogans always wear thongs.”


(Noun) (Pronounced: yoo-ee) A U-turn; changing the direction of a vehicle 180 degrees.
“Chuck a u-ey” (i.e. “Perform a U-turn”).


(Noun) The remote outback, or 'middle of nowhere'
“If this galah doesn’t chuck a u-ey soon we’re going to end up in Woop Woop.”


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