There is a time-old belief that teachers teach, and students listen and learn, but, in today’s world, our students need to learn skills that are far different from those that were required in their parent's and grandparents' days. Today’s students will enter a world where one day they will be required to work autonomously, and the next day, to be a commensurate contributing member of a team. How will they ever be prepared for these challenges if we do not initiate the correct learning process in the classroom? It is for this reason that today, for an English class to be successful, it must have certain characteristics; 1. Today’s classes must be student-focused. Unlike days gone by, professionals today need to be able to perform to a high standard in all situations, and this requires them being educated and prepared in a way where they are given a voice, in a way where they are able to freely use their intelligence to evaluate, plan and create. For us to be able ...
David White is an Australian English teacher who has been living in Peru since 2001. In partnership with his wife Claudia, they are the owners of ¨English For You Language Institute´, an institute that specializes in the teaching of all levels of English from Basic (A1) to Advanced (C2) including international exam preparation. They are also the owners of ELT Educational Services and David is also the Headmaster of the American School, a respected bilingual ib school in Northern Peru.