- abandonforsake; leave behind
- abandonedforsaken by the owner or inhabitants
- absencethe state of being not present
- absoluteperfect or complete or pure
- absorbtake in a liquid
- abusecruel or inhumane treatment
- academicassociated with an educational institution
- accidentalhappening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally
- accidentallywithout intention; in an unintentional manner
- accuseblame for; make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against
- acida sour water-soluble compound with a pH of less than 7
- acquirecome into the possession of something concrete or abstract
- activelyin an energetic manner
- actualexisting in act or fact
- adaptmake fit for, or change to suit a new purpose
- additionthe arithmetic operation of summing
- additionalfurther or extra
- adequatehaving the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
- adequatelyin a sufficient manner
- adjustalter or regulate so as to conform to a standard
- admirationa feeling of delighted approval and liking
- adopttake into one's family
- advancemove forward
- advertisingthe business of drawing attention to goods and services
- affaira vaguely specified social event
- affecthave an influence upon
- affectiona positive feeling of liking
- agenta representative who acts on behalf of others
- aggressivecharacteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight
- agreementharmony of people's opinions, actions, or characters
- aircrafta vehicle that can fly
- alphabeticalarranged in order according to the alphabet
- alphabeticallyin order from A to Z
- altercause to change; make different
- alternativeone of a number of things from which only one can be chosen
- alternativelyin place of, or as an alternative to
- amuseoccupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion
- amusedpleasantly occupied
- analyzebreak down into components or essential features
- analysisabstract separation of something into its various parts
- angerthe state of being very annoyed
- annuallyby the year; every year
- antinot in favor of (an action or proposal etc.)
- anxietya vague unpleasant emotion in anticipation of a misfortune
- anxiouslywith anxiety or apprehension
- apparentclearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
- apparentlyseemingly; as far as one can tell
- appealearnest or urgent request
- appreciatebe fully aware of; realize fully
- appropriatesuitable for a particular person, place, or situation
- approvalthe formal act of giving an agreement or permission
- approximatenot quite exact or correct
- armedhaving limbs
- armsweapons considered collectively
- arrowprojectile with a thin shaft intended to be shot from a bow
- artificialcontrived by art rather than nature
- artificiallynot according to nature; not by natural means
- artisticrelating to the products of human creativity
- asideon or to one side
- aspecta characteristic to be considered
- assistgive help; be of service
- assistancethe activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need
- associationa formal organization of people or groups of people
- assumetake to be the case or to be true
- assureinform positively and with certainty and confidence
- atomthe smallest component of an element
- attachedbeing joined in close association
- authoritythe power or right to give orders or make decisions
- automaticoperating with minimal human intervention
- automaticallyin a mechanical manner; by a mechanism
- awardgive, especially as an honor
- awarehaving or showing knowledge or understanding or realization
- awfullyin a terrible manner
- awkwardlacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance
- awkwardlyin a clumsy manner
- bad-temperedannoyed and irritable
- balancea harmonious arrangement or relation of parts within a whole
- banprohibit especially by law or social pressure
- bargainan agreement between parties fixing the obligations of each
- barriera structure or object that impedes free movement
- basethe lowest support of a structure
- basicallyin essence; at the bottom or by one's (or its) very nature
- basisthe fundamental assumptions from which something is begun
- bearbe pregnant with
- behalfas the agent of or on someone's part
- beliefany cognitive content held as true
- belongbe owned by; be in the possession of
- bendform a curve
- beneathin or to a place that is lower
- bentstooped (used of the back and knees)
- beyondfarther along in space or time or degree
- bladethe flat part of a tool or weapon that has a cutting edge
- boremake a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool
- boundconfined by bonds
- branda name given to a product or service
- breedcause to procreate (animals)
- bricka rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln
- brightlywith brightness
- broadcastdisseminate over the airwaves, as in radio or television
- budgeta summary of intended expenditures
- bulleta projectile that is fired from a gun
- burntdestroyed or badly damaged by fire
- burstcome open suddenly and violently
- busha woody perennial plant usually having several major stems
- cabineta storage compartment for clothes and valuables
- calculatemake a mathematical computation
- calculationdetermination by mathematical or logical methods
- calmlyin a sedate manner
- capablehaving ability
- capacitycapability to perform or produce
- captureseize as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping
- cardboarda stiff moderately thick paper
- care forbe fond of; be attached to
- carelesslywithout care or concern
- castput or send forth
- categorya general concept that marks divisions or coordinations
- causeevents that provide the generative force of something
- ceaseput an end to a state or an activity
- cellthe basic structural and functional unit of all organisms
- chairmanthe officer who leads the meetings of an organization
- Chambera natural or artificial enclosed space
- characteristictypical or distinctive
- charta visual display of data or information
- chasego after with the intent to catch
- cheatdefeat through trickery or deceit
- cheerfullyin a cheerful manner
- chemicalproduced by reactions involving atomic or molecular changes
- chestthe part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates
- chewchew (food); to bite and grind with the teeth
- Chiefthe head of a tribe or clan
- chopcut with a hacking tool
- circumstancethe set of facts that surround a situation or event
- citizena native or naturalized member of a state
- claimassert or affirm strongly
- classicof recognized authority or excellence
- clientsomeone who pays for goods or services
- closelyin a close relation or position in time or space
- clothartifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers
- clothinga covering designed to be worn on a person's body
- codea set of rules or principles or laws
- collapsebreak down, literally or metaphorically
- columna line of units following one after another
- combinationthe act of bringing things together to form a new whole
- combineput or add together
- comforta state of being relaxed and feeling no pain
- comfortablyin physical comfort
- commandan authoritative direction or instruction to do something
- commercialconnected with or engaged in the exchange of goods
- Commissionthe act of granting authority to undertake certain functions
- commitengage in or perform
- commitmentthe act of binding yourself to a course of action
- committeea special group delegated to consider some matter
- communitya group of people living in a particular local area
- comparisonthe act of examining resemblances
- competitiveinvolving rivalry over something
- complexcomplicated in structure
- concentrationthe spatial property of being crowded together
- conceptan abstract or general idea inferred from specific instances
- concernsomething that interests you because it is important
- concernedfeeling or showing worry about something
- concretecapable of being perceived by the senses
- conductthe way a person behaves toward other people
- confidencebelief in yourself and your abilities
- confidentlywith confidence; in a confident manner
- conflictan open clash between two opposing groups
- confusemistake one thing for another
- confusiona mistake that results from taking one thing to be another
- congressa formal meeting, especially of representatives
- conscioushaving awareness of surroundings and sensations and thoughts
- consequencea phenomenon that is caused by some previous phenomenon
- considerablyto a great extent or degree
- considerationthe process of giving careful thought to something
- constantuninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
- constantlywithout variation or change, in every case
- constructmake by combining materials and parts
- constructionthe act of building something
- consumera person who uses goods or services
- containerany object that can be used to hold things
- contemporaryoccurring in the same period of time
- contentsatisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are
- contextthe set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation
- continuousmoving in time or space without interruption
- continuouslyat every point
- contrastthe opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared
- contrastingstrikingly different
- contributegive, provide, or supply something
- contributiona voluntary gift made to some worthwhile cause
- controlledrestrained or managed or kept within certain bounds
- conventionalfollowing accepted customs and proprieties
- convertchange the nature, purpose, or function of something
- copecome to terms with
- councila body serving in an administrative capacity
- countera calculator recording the number of times something happens
- countythe largest administrative district within a state
- couragea quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain
- cracka narrow opening
- crackedof paint or varnish; having the appearance of alligator hide
- craftthe skilled practice of a practical occupation
- crisisa crucial stage or turning point in the course of something
- criticalof a serious examination and judgment of something
- criticisma serious examination and judgment of something
- criticizefind fault with; point out real or perceived flaws
- crucialof extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis
- curea medicine or therapy that treats disease or relieves pain
- currentoccurring in or belonging to the present time
- currentlyat this time or period
- curvethe trace of a point whose direction of motion changes
- curvedhaving or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend
- dampslightly wet
- darea challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy
- dataa collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn
- dealbe in charge of, act on, or dispose of
- debatea discussion with reasons for and against some proposal
- debtthe state of owing something, especially money
- decadea period of 10 years
- decaythe organic phenomenon of rotting
- declinegrow worse
- decorationthe act of adorning something
- decorativeserving an ornamental rather than a useful purpose
- deeplyto a great depth;far down
- defineshow the form or outline of
- definiteprecise; explicit and clearly defined
- definitiona brief explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase
- deliberatecarefully thought out in advance
- deliberatelyin a careful unhurried manner
- delicatedeveloped with extreme subtlety
- delighta feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction
- demonstrategive an exhibition of to an interested audience
- denydeclare untrue; contradict
- depresspush down
- depressingcausing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
- desirethe feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state
- desperatea person who is frightened and in need of help
- desperatelywith great urgency
- destructionan event that completely ruins something
- detaileddeveloped with careful treatment of particulars
- determinationthe act of finding out the properties of something
- determinedhaving been learned or found especially by investigation
- devicean instrumentality invented for a particular purpose
- devotededicate
- devotedzealous in allegiance or affection
- diamondvery hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem
- disagreementa conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
- disapproveconsider something to be bad, wrong, or inappropriate
- disapprovingexpressing or manifesting disapproval
- disasteran event resulting in great loss and misfortune
- disciplinea system of rules of conduct or method of practice
- discoverythe act of finding something
- dishonestdeceptive or fraudulent
- distinguishmark as different
- distributegive to several people
- disturbtrouble deeply
- divisionthe act of partitioning
- domesticof or relating to the home
- dominatebe in control
- drafta current of air
- dramaticcharacteristic of a stage performance
- dramaticallywith respect to dramatic value
- druga substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic
- drunksomeone who is intoxicated
- e.g.as an example
- easefreedom from difficulty or hardship or effort
- economicof or relating to production and management of wealth
- economythe system of production and distribution and consumption
- editionthe form in which a text is published
- editorthe person who determines the final content of a text
- educategive knowledge acquired by learning and instruction
- educatedpossessing an education
- effectiveproducing or capable of producing an intended result
- effectivelyin a manner producing an intended result
- efficientlyin a manner that wastes no time or effort
- electchoose by a vote for an office or membership
- elegantrefined and tasteful in appearance, behavior, or style
- elementa substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances
- elsewherein or to another place
- embarrassmentthe shame felt when inadequacy or guilt is made public
- emergecome out into view, as from concealment
- emotionany strong feeling
- emotionalof or pertaining to feelings
- emotionallyin an emotional manner
- emphasisintensity or forcefulness of expression
- emphasizestress or single out as important
- enableprovide the means to perform some task
- encountercome together
- encouragementthe act of giving hope or support to someone
- enjoymentact of receiving pleasure from something
- ensuremake certain of
- entertainera person who tries to please or amuse
- entertainingagreeably diverting or amusing
- enthusiasma feeling of excitement
- enthusiastichaving or showing great excitement and interest
- entireconstituting the full quantity or extent; complete
- entirelyto a complete degree or to the full or entire extent
- entitlegive the right to
- equallyin a balanced or impartial way
- errora wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance
- essentiallyat bottom or by something's very nature
- establishset up or found
- estateextensive landed property retained by the owner
- estimatejudge tentatively
- etc.continuing in the same way
- eventuallyafter an unspecified period of time or a long delay
- evidenceknowledge on which to base belief
- evilmorally bad or wrong
- examineobserve, check out, and look over carefully or inspect
- exceptionan instance that does not conform to a rule
- exciteact as a stimulant
- existencethe state or fact of being
- expandextend in one or more directions
- expectationbelief about the future
- expectedconsidered likely or probable to happen or arrive
- expensea financial burden; money that must be paid out
- explosionthe act of bursting
- exportsell or transfer abroad
- exposeshow; make visible or apparent
- expresscommunicate beliefs or opinions
- expressionthe communication of your beliefs or opinions
- extendstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
- extensionact of expanding in scope
- extensivelarge in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity
- extentthe point or degree to which something extends
- extremeof the greatest possible degree, extent, or intensity
- facilitya building or place that provides a particular service
- factoranything that contributes causally to a result
- failurean act that does not succeed
- faintlacking clarity, brightness, or loudness
- faintlyto a faint degree or weakly perceived
- faithcomplete confidence in a person or plan, etc.
- faithfulloyal and reliable
- faithfullyin a faithful manner
- famethe state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed
- faultan imperfection in an object or machine
- feathera light growth that makes up the covering of a bird's body
- featurea prominent attribute or aspect of something
- sickaffected by impairment of normal physical or mental function
- fellowa boy or man
- fencea barrier that serves to enclose an area
- fightingthe act of fighting; any contest or struggle
- financethe commercial activity of providing funds and capital
- finelyin tiny pieces
- firmnot soft or yielding to pressure
- firmlywith force
- fixedunmoving
- flamecombustion of materials producing heat and light and smoke
- flashemit a brief burst of light
- focusthe concentration of attention or energy on something
- foldingthe act of folding
- followingthe act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture
- forceinfluence that results in motion, stress, etc. when applied
- formalin accord with established conventions and requirements
- formerlyat a previous time
- fortuneyour overall circumstances or condition in life
- forwardat or to or toward the front
- foundset up
- freedomthe condition of being free
- freelyin a free manner
- frightencause fear in
- functionwhat something is used for
- funerala ceremony at which a dead person is buried or cremated
- gallonUnited States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters
- gamblingthe act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning
- gasolinea volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum; used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines
- gatherassemble or get together
- geara toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism
- generatebring into existence
- generouslyin a generous manner
- gentlemana man of refinement
- gentlyin a gentle manner
- genuinenot fake or counterfeit
- genuinelyin accordance with truth or fact or reality
- give upgive up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat
- give birthcause to be born
- globalinvolving the entire earth
- governexercise authority over, as of nations
- governorthe head of a state authority
- gradualproceeding in small stages
- graduallyin a gradual manner
- grantlet have
- gravea place for the burial of a corpse
- greatlyto an extraordinary extent or degree
- growthchanging gradually from a simple to a more complex level
- guaranteean unconditional commitment that something will happen
- hammera hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle
- harmany physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
- harmfulcausing or capable of causing damage
- harmlessnot causing or capable of causing harm
- healrecover
- heavenany place of complete bliss and delight and peace
- hellany place of pain and turmoil
- hesitatepause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
- highlightan area of brightness in a picture
- highlyto a great degree or extent; favorably or with much respect
- hipeither side of the body below the waist and above the thigh
- honourthe quality of being honorable and having a good name
- hooka mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something
- horna brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone
- hosta person who invites guests to a social event
- householda social unit living together in a residence
- huntingthe activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
- ideala principle or value that one hopes to attain or conform to
- ideallypreferably; for the best outcome or results
- identifyrecognize as being
- identitythe characteristics by which a thing or person is known
- ignorerefuse to acknowledge
- illegalprohibited by law or by official or accepted rules
- illegallyin an manner that violates the law
- illustratedepict with a visual representation
- imagea visual representation produced on a surface
- immediatedirectly before or after as in a chain of cause and effect
- immoraldeliberately violating principles of right and wrong
- impactthe striking of one body against another
- impatientrestless or short-tempered under delay or opposition
- impatientlywith impatience; in an impatient manner
- importbring in from abroad
- importantlyin a significant way or to a significant degree
- impresshave a powerful and usually positive effect on
- impresseddeeply or markedly affected or influenced
- impressiona vague idea in which some confidence is placed
- impressivemaking a strong or vivid mental image
- in publicin a manner accessible to or observable by the public
- incidenta single distinct event
- incomethe amount of money one makes over a period of time
- increasinglyadvancing in amount or intensity
- independencefreedom from control or influence of another or others
- independentlyon your own; without outside help
- indicatedesignate a place, direction, person, or thing
- industrialof or relating to commercial enterprise
- infectionthe invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
- influencea power to affect persons or events
- informalnot in accord with established conventions and requirements
- initiallyat the beginning
- injuryphysical damage to the body caused by violence or accident
- innerlocated inward
- innocentfree from sin
- instituteset up or lay the groundwork for
- institutiona custom that has been an important feature of some group
- insulttreat, mention, or speak to rudely
- insultingexpressing extreme contempt
- insuranceprotection against future loss
- intelligencethe ability to comprehend
- intentionan anticipated outcome that guides your planned actions
- interiorinside and toward a center
- internallocated inward
- interpretmake sense of; assign a meaning to
- interruptionan act of delaying or interrupting the continuity
- introductionthe act of beginning something new
- investlay out money or resources in an enterprise
- investigateconduct an inquiry of
- investigationan inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities
- investmentlaying out money or capital in an enterprise
- involvedconnected by participation or association or use
- involvementthe act of sharing in the activities of a group
- irritatedaroused to impatience or anger
- irritatingcausing irritation or annoyance
- jointjunction by which parts or objects are linked together
- joythe emotion of great happiness
- judgementthe act of judging or assessing a person or situation
- juniorincluding or intended for youthful persons
- justicethe quality of being fair, reasonable, or impartial
- justifyshow to be right by providing proof
- kindnessthe quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane
- lanea narrow way or road
- largelymainly or chiefly
- latterthe second of two or the second mentioned of two
- launchpropel with force
- layera single thickness of some substance or material
- leadinggoing or proceeding or going in advance; showing the way
- leanincline or bend from a vertical position
- leave outleave undone or leave out
- legalestablished by or founded upon law or official rules
- legallyby law; conforming to the law
- lida movable top or cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening at the top of a box, chest, jar, pan, etc.
- livingpertaining to living persons
- locallyby a particular locality
- locatedetermine the place of by searching or examining
- logicalbased on known statements or events or conditions
- look atlook at carefully; study mentally
- look fortry to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of
- looselyknitted in a loose manner
- lorda person who has general authority over others
- lossthe act of losing someone or something
- loyalsteadfast in allegiance or duty
- lungeither of two saclike respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the blood
- maintainkeep in a certain state, position, or activity
- majorgreater in scope or effect
- majoritythe main part
- make funsubject to laughter or ridicule
- managementthe act of controlling something
- mannerhow something is done or how it happens
- manufactureput together out of artificial or natural components
- manufacturersomeone who constructs or produces something
- manufacturingthe act of making something (a product) from raw materials
- marketingthe commercial processes in promoting and selling something
- massthe property of a body that causes it to have weight
- massivecontaining a great quantity of matter
- mastera person who has authority over others
- matchingbeing two identical
- mayorthe head of a city government
- meanshow a result is obtained or an end is achieved
- measuredetermine the dimensions of something or somebody
- measurementassigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule
- medicalrelating to the study or practice of medicine
- meltreduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state
- mentalinvolving the mind or an intellectual process
- mentallyin your mind
- merebeing nothing more than specified
- merelyand nothing more
- midused in combination to denote the middle
- militarythe armed forces of a nation
- ministera person authorized to conduct religious worship
- minorinferior in number or size or amount
- minoritybeing or relating to the smaller in number of two parts
- mixturea collection containing a variety of sorts of things
- monitorsomeone who observes to ensure fairness or prevent mistakes
- moralconcerned with principles of right and wrong
- morallyin a moral manner
- moreoverin addition
- motormachine that creates mechanical energy and imparts movement
- movementchange of position that does not entail a change of location
- movingin motion
- mudwater soaked soil; soft wet earth
- multiplycombine by adding the same number repeatedly
- muscleanimal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells
- mysteriousbeyond ordinary understanding
- naila thin pointed piece of metal that is hammered into materials as a fastener
- nakedcompletely unclothed
- nationa politically organized body of people under a government
- naturallyin a natural or normal manner
- navythe branch of armed services that conducts operations at sea
- necessarilyin such a manner as could not be otherwise
- needlea sharp pointed implement
- neithernot either; not one or the other
- nervouslyin an anxiously nervous manner
- networkan open fabric woven together at regular intervals
- neverthelessdespite anything to the contrary
- newlyvery recently
- nicelyin a nice way
- nonnegation of a word or group of words
- nonsensea message that seems to convey no meaning
- nuclearconstituting the core or central part
- nutusually large hard-shelled seed
- obeycomply with; do what one is told
- objectivethe goal intended to be attained
- observationthe act of taking a patient look
- observewatch attentively
- obtaincome into possession of
- occasionallynow and then or here and there
- occupiedheld or filled or in use
- occupylive in (a certain place)
- occurcome to pass
- oddnot divisible by two
- offencea lack of politeness
- offendcause to feel resentment or indignation
- offensiveunpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses
- officialof or relating to a place of business
- openingan open or empty space in or between things
- opponentsomeone who offers resistance
- opposebe against
- opposingcharacterized by active hostility
- organizedmethodical and efficient in arrangement or function
- originthe place where something begins
- originallywith reference to the origin or beginning
- outerlocated outside
- outlinethe line that appears to bound an object
- outstandingof major significance or importance
- overallinvolving only main features
- overcomewin a victory over
- pacethe relative speed of progress or change
- packagea wrapped container
- packagingmaterial used to make packages
- parliamenta legislative assembly in certain countries
- particularunique or specific to a person or thing or category
- partnershipa cooperative relationship between people or groups
- passagethe act of moving from one state or place to the next
- patiencegood-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
- paymentthe act of giving money in exchange for something
- pensionregular payment to allow a person to subsist without working
- permanentlyfor a long time without essential change
- personalitythe complex of attributes that characterize an individual
- phaseany distinct time period in a sequence of events
- philosophythe rational investigation of existence and knowledge
- physicalinvolving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit
- physicallyin accord with physical laws
- pinta United States liquid unit equal to 16 fluid ounces
- pitchthe high or low quality of a sound
- pitya feeling of sympathy and sorrow for misfortunes of others
- planningan act of formulating a program for a course of action
- plota small area of ground covered by specific vegetation
- pointedhaving a point
- poisonany substance that causes injury or illness or death
- poisonoushaving the qualities of a substance that causes death
- policya plan of action adopted by an individual or social group
- polishmake (a surface) shine
- possessionanything owned
- potentialexisting in possibility
- potentiallywith a possibility of becoming actual
- practicalguided by experience and observation rather than theory
- practicallyin a manner concerned with actual use
- praisean expression of approval and commendation
- precisesharply exact or accurate or delimited
- preciselyin a sharply exact manner
- preferencethe right or chance to choose
- preparationsetting in order in advance some act or purpose
- presencecurrent existence
- preservekeep in safety and protect from harm, loss, or destruction
- pressurethe act of putting pressure on something
- presumablyby reasonable assumption
- pretendmake believe with the intent to deceive
- pridea feeling of self-respect and personal worth
- primarilyfor the most part
- primaryof first rank or importance or value
- prime ministerhead of government, especially of a parliamentary democracy
- prioritystatus established in order of importance or urgency
- privatelykept private or confined to those intimately concerned
- probablelikely but not certain to be or become true or real
- procedurea particular course of action intended to achieve a result
- processa particular course of action intended to achieve a result
- producersomeone who manufactures something
- productionthe act or process of making something
- profitthe advantageous quality of being beneficial
- promotionthe act of raising in rank or position
- promptaccording to schedule or without delay
- promptlywith little or no delay
- proofany evidence that helps to establish the truth of something
- proposalthe act of making a suggestion
- proposepresent for consideration, examination, or criticism
- prospectthe possibility of future success
- protectionthe activity of shielding someone or something
- protesta formal and solemn declaration of objection
- proudlywith pride; in a proud manner
- publicationthe act of issuing printed materials
- publicitya message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea
- punchdeliver a quick blow to
- punishmentthe act of imposing a penalty
- purchaseacquire by means of a financial transaction
- qualifyprove capable or fit; meet requirements
- rapidcharacterized by speed
- rapidlywith quick movements
- reactshow a response to something
- reactionan idea evoked by some experience
- realitythe state of being actual
- rearthe side of an object that is opposite its front
- recallbring to mind
- reckonexpect, believe, or suppose
- reductionthe act of decreasing something
- referseek information from
- referencethe act of consulting
- reflectthrow or bend back from a surface
- regardthe condition of being honored or respected
- regionalcharacteristic of a particular area
- regulationthe act of bringing to uniformity
- rejectrefuse to accept or acknowledge
- relativelyby comparison to something else
- releasegrant freedom to; free from confinement
- relevanthaving a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
- reliefthe act of reducing something unpleasant
- religioushaving or showing belief in and reverence for a deity
- rely onput trust in with confidence
- remainingnot used up
- remainsthe dead body of a human being
- remarkmake or write a comment on
- remarkableunusual or striking
- remotelocated far away spatially
- removalthe act of taking out or causing to leave
- representbe a delegate or spokesperson for
- representativeserving to typify
- reputationthe general estimation that the public has for a person
- requirementnecessary activity
- residentsomeone who lives at a particular place for a long period
- resistwithstand the force of something
- resourceaid or support that may be drawn upon when needed
- respondshow a reaction to something
- responsethe speech act of continuing a conversational exchange
- responsibilitythe social force that binds you to a course of action
- responsibleworthy of or requiring trust; held accountable
- restorebring back into original existence, function, or position
- retiredno longer active in your work or profession
- retirementthe state of being withdrawn from one's business
- revealmake visible
- reversechange to the contrary
- reviewlook at again; examine again
- revolutiona single complete turn
- rhythman interval during which a recurring sequence occurs
- ridiculousincongruous or absurd
- rightlywith honesty
- riska source of danger
- rollmove by turning over or rotating
- rootunderground plant organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes
- ropea strong line
- roughlywith rough motion as over a rough surface
- royalof or relating to a king, queen, or other monarch
- rubmove over something with pressure
- ruineddestroyed physically or morally
- rumourgossip passed around by word of mouth
- ruralliving in or characteristic of farming or country life
- rushact or move at high speed
- sacka bag made of paper or plastic for holding purchases
- sadlyin an unfortunate way
- sadnessthe state of experiencing sorrow
- safetybeing certain that adverse effects will not be caused
- saltycontaining or filled with salt
- samplea small part intended as representative of the whole
- satisfactionthe state of being gratified
- satisfymeet the requirements or expectations of
- satisfyingproviding abundant nourishment
- scalean ordered reference standard
- scaredmade afraid
- schedulea list of times at which things are planned to occur
- schemean elaborate and systematic plan of action
- scratchcut, scrape, or wear away the surface of
- screwa simple machine with a threaded cylindrical rod and hole
- sealfastener consisting of a resin that is plastic when warm
- securefree from danger or risk
- seedsmall, hard part of a plant from which a new plant can grow
- seektry to locate, discover, or establish the existence of
- selectionthe act of choosing
- selfrelating to--of or by or to or from or for--the self
- senioradvanced in years
- sensitiveresponsive to physical stimuli
- separatedbeing or feeling set or kept apart from others
- separatelyapart from others
- separationthe act of dividing or disconnecting
- servanta person working in the service of another
- settlebecome resolved, fixed, established, or quiet
- severevery harsh or strict, especially when dealing with others
- severelyto a severe or serious degree
- sexualof or relating to or characterized by sexuality
- sexuallywith respect to sexuality
- shallowlacking physical depth
- shapedhaving the shape of
- sharplyvery suddenly and to a great degree
- shellthe outer covering of an animal
- sheltercovering that provides protection from the weather
- shiftmove very slightly
- shootingthe act of firing a projectile
- shotthe act of firing a projectile
- signalany action or gesture that encodes a message
- significantrich in implication
- significantlyin an important manner
- simplyin a simple manner; without extravagance or embellishment
- skilfulhaving or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- skilfullywith skill
- skilledhaving or showing or requiring special skill
- slidemove smoothly along a surface
- slightsmall in quantity or degree
- slightlyto a small degree or extent
- slopebe at an angle
- smashhit violently
- smoothlywith no problems or difficulties
- sociallyby or with respect to society
- soilmaterial in the top layer of the surface of the earth
- solidnot soft or yielding to pressure
- sourcethe place where something begins
- specialistan expert devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
- specificstated explicitly or in detail
- spiritthe vital principle or animating force within living things
- spirituallacking material body or form or substance
- splitseparate into parts or portions
- spraywater in small drops in the atmosphere
- spreaddistribute or disperse widely
- squeezepress firmly
- stand uprise to one's feet
- standarda basis for comparison
- starelook at with fixed eyes
- statethe way something is with respect to its main attributes
- statementthe act of affirming or asserting something
- steadilyat a continuous rate or pace
- steadysecurely in position; not shaky
- steamwater at boiling temperature diffused in the atmosphere
- steelan alloy of iron with small amounts of carbon
- steeplyin a steep manner
- steerbe a guiding or motivating force or drive
- stick outextend out or project in space
- stiffincapable of or resistant to bending
- stifflyin a rigid manner
- stocka supply of something available for future use
- strainexert much effort or energy
- strangelyin a strange manner
- strategyan elaborate and systematic plan of action
- strengththe property of being physically or mentally powerful
- stretchextend one's limbs or muscles, or the entire body
- strictlyin a stringent manner
- strikinghaving a quality that thrusts itself into attention
- stringa lightweight cord
- stripedmarked or decorated with stripes
- strokea single complete movement
- stronglywith power
- structurea complex entity made of many parts
- strugglestrenuous effort
- substancethe real physical matter of which a person or thing consists
- substantialreal; having a material or factual existence
- substitutea person or thing that can take the place of another
- successfullyin a manner marked by a favorable outcome
- suddenhappening without warning or in a short space of time
- sufferundergo or be subjected to
- sufferingfeelings of mental or physical pain
- sufficientof a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement
- summarya brief statement that presents the main points
- supplycirculate or distribute or equip with
- supportthe act of bearing the weight of or strengthening
- surelydefinitely or positively
- surfacethe outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer
- surroundingsthe environment in which something exists or lives
- surveydetermining opinions by interviewing people
- survivecontinue in existence after
- suspectregard as untrustworthy
- suspicionan impression that something might be the case
- suspiciousopenly distrustful and unwilling to confide
- swallowpass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking
- swearto declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
- swearingprofane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger
- sweatsalty fluid secreted by glands in the skin
- sweepclean by using a broom or as if with a broom
- swingchange direction with a swinging motion; turn
- swollenabnormally enlarged, bloated, or expanded
- swellincrease in size, magnitude, number, or intensity
- symbolsomething visible that represents something invisible
- sympatheticexpressing compassion or friendly fellow feelings
- sympathysharing the feelings of others, especially sorrow or anguish
- tackleseize and throw down an opponent player carrying the ball
- tailthe posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body
- take overseize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession
- take noticeobserve with special attention
- targeta reference point to shoot at
- taskany piece of work that is undertaken or attempted
- technicalof or relating to aptitude in a practical skill
- temporarilyfor a limited time only; not permanently
- tendhave a disposition to do or be something; be inclined
- tensionthe action of stretching something tight
- thanksan acknowledgment of appreciation
- themethe subject matter of a conversation or discussion
- theorya belief that can guide behavior
- thicklywith a thick consistency
- thicknessthe dimension through an object as opposed to its length or width
- thoroughpainstakingly careful and accurate
- thoroughlyin an exhaustive manner
- threatdeclaration of an intention to inflict harm on another
- threatenutter intentions of injury or punishment against
- threateningsuggesting or expressive of evil, harm, or danger
- thusfrom that fact or reason or as a result
- tie upsecure with or as if with ropes
- tightlyin a tight or constricted manner
- tona United States unit of weight equivalent to 2000 pounds
- tonethe distinctive property of a complex sound
- tonnea unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms
- toolan implement used to perform a task or job
- toughsubstantially made or constructed
- tracean indication that something has been present
- tradingbuying or selling securities or commodities
- traditiona specific practice of long standing
- traditionallyaccording to long-standing practice
- transformchange or alter in appearance or nature
- transparentable to be seen through with clarity
- transportmove something or somebody around
- trapa device in which something can be caught and penned
- treatapply a process to with the aim of preparing for a purpose
- treatmentthe management of someone or something
- trialthe act of testing something
- trianglea three-sided polygon
- tropicalrelating to part of the Earth's surface with hot climate
- trulyin accordance with fact or reality
- trutha factual statement
- twistedhaving an intended meaning altered or misrepresented
- ultimatefurthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme
- unacceptablenot acceptable; not welcome
- uncertainlacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance
- unconsciouslacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception
- uncontrollednot being under control; out of control
- understandingthe condition of someone who knows and comprehends
- underwaterbeneath the surface of the water
- undocancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect
- unexpectedlyin a way that was not expected
- unfairlyin an unfair manner
- unfortunatemarked by or resulting in bad luck
- unhappinessstate characterized by emotions ranging from mild discontentment to deep grief
- uniquethe single one of its kind
- unitedbeing or joined into a single entity
- unlikemarked by dissimilarity
- unreasonablebeyond normal limits
- unsteadynot firmly or solidly positioned
- unsuccessfulnot successful
- unusuallyto a remarkable degree or extent
- unwillingnot disposed or inclined toward
- upside downin an inverted manner
- urbanrelating to a city or densely populated area
- validwell grounded in logic or truth or having legal force
- variationthe process of being or becoming different
- variedcharacterized by diversity
- varybecome different in some particular way
- vastunusually great in size or amount or extent or scope
- versionsomething a little different from others of the same type
- victiman unfortunate person who suffers from adverse circumstances
- victorya successful ending of a struggle or contest
- violencea turbulent state resulting in injuries and destruction
- violentacting with great force or energy or emotional intensity
- violentlyin a violent manner
- virtuallyin essence or in effect but not in fact
- visiblecapable of being seen or open to easy view
- visionthe ability to see
- vitalperforming an essential function in the living body
- waistthe narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips
- wandermove or cause to move in a sinuous or circular course
- warmththe quality of having a moderate degree of heat
- weaknessa flaw
- wealthproperty that has economic value
- weaponany instrument used in fighting or hunting
- whisperspeaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords
- whistlethe sound made when someone forces breath through pursed lips
- widelyto a great degree
- widththe extent of something from side to side
- wildlyto an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree
- willinglyin an agreeable manner and without reluctance
- willingnesscheerful compliance
- windair moving from high pressure to low pressure
- wind upcoil the spring of a device by turning a stem
- wireligament made of metal and used to fasten things or make cages or fences etc
- wisehaving intelligence and discernment
- witnesssomeone who sees an event and reports what happened
- woundan injury to living tissue
- woundedsuffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle
- wrista joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones
- wronglywithout justice or fairness
- yawnan involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth
- chairwomanthe officer who presides at the meetings of an organization
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