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The Ultimate List Of Vocabulary With Meanings For International Exam Preparation.



forsake; leave behind

2.    abandoned

forsaken by owner or inhabitants

3.    absence

the state of being not present

4.    absolute

perfect or complete or pure

5.    absorb

take in a liquid

6.    abuse

cruel or inhumane treatment

7.    academic

associated with an educational institution

8.    accidental

happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally

9.    accidentally

without intention; in an unintentional manner

10.                 accuse

blame for; make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against

11.                 acid

a sour water-soluble compound with a pH of less than 7

12.                 acquire

come into the possession of something concrete or abstract

13.                 actively

in an energetic manner

14.                 actual

existing in act or fact

15.                 adapt

make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose

16.                 addition

the arithmetic operation of summing

17.                 additional

further or extra

18.                 adequate

having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task

19.                 adequately

in a sufficient manner

20.                 adjust

alter or regulate so as to conform to a standard

21.                 admiration

a feeling of delighted approval and liking

22.                 adopt

take into one's family

23.                 advance

move forward

24.                 advertising

the business of drawing attention to goods and services

25.                 affair

a vaguely specified social event

26.                 affect

have an influence upon

27.                 affection

a positive feeling of liking

28.                 agent

a representative who acts on behalf of others

29.                 aggressive

characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight

30.                 agreement

harmony of people's opinions, actions, or characters

31.                 aircraft

a vehicle that can fly

32.                 alphabetical

arranged in order according to the alphabet

33.                 alphabetically

in order from A to Z

34.                 alter

cause to change; make different

35.                 alternative

one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen

36.                 alternatively

in place of, or as an alternative to

37.                 amuse

occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion

38.                 amused

pleasantly occupied

39.                 analyse

break down into components or essential features

40.                 analysis

abstract separation of something into its various parts

41.                 anger

the state of being very annoyed

42.                 annually

by the year; every year

43.                 anti

not in favor of (an action or proposal etc.)

44.                 anxiety

a vague unpleasant emotion in anticipation of a misfortune

45.                 anxiously

with anxiety or apprehension

46.                 apparent

clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

47.                 apparently

seemingly; as far as one can tell

48.                 appeal

earnest or urgent request

49.                 appreciate

be fully aware of; realize fully

50.                 appropriate

suitable for a particular person, place, or situation

51.                 approval

the formal act of giving agreement or permission

52.                 approximate

not quite exact or correct

53.                 armed

having limbs

54.                 arms

weapons considered collectively

55.                 arrow

projectile with a thin shaft intended to be shot from a bow

56.                 artificial

contrived by art rather than nature

57.                 artificially

not according to nature; not by natural means

58.                 artistic

relating to the products of human creativity

59.                 aside

on or to one side

60.                 aspect

a characteristic to be considered

61.                 assist

give help; be of service

62.                 assistance

the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need

63.                 association

a formal organization of people or groups of people

64.                 assume

take to be the case or to be true

65.                 assure

inform positively and with certainty and confidence

66.                 atom

the smallest component of an element

67.                 attached

being joined in close association

68.                 authority

the power or right to give orders or make decisions

69.                 automatic

operating with minimal human intervention

70.                 automatically

in a mechanical manner; by a mechanism

71.                 award

give, especially as an honor

72.                 aware

having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization

73.                 awfully

in a terrible manner

74.                 awkward

lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance

75.                 awkwardly

in a clumsy manner

76.                 bad-tempered

annoyed and irritable

77.                 balance

harmonious arrangement or relation of parts within a whole

78.                 ban

prohibit especially by law or social pressure

79.                 bargain

an agreement between parties fixing obligations of each

80.                 barrier

a structure or object that impedes free movement

81.                 base

lowest support of a structure

82.                 basically

in essence; at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature

83.                 basis

the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun

84.                 bear

be pregnant with

85.                 behalf

as the agent of or on someone's part

86.                 belief

any cognitive content held as true

87.                 belong

be owned by; be in the possession of

88.                 bend

form a curve

89.                 beneath

in or to a place that is lower

90.                 bent

stooped (used of the back and knees)

91.                 beyond

farther along in space or time or degree

92.                 blade

the flat part of a tool or weapon that has a cutting edge

93.                 bore

make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool

94.                 bound

confined by bonds

95.                 brand

a name given to a product or service

96.                 breed

cause to procreate (animals)

97.                 brick

rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln

98.                 brightly

with brightness

99.                 broadcast

disseminate over the airwaves, as in radio or television

100.              budget

a summary of intended expenditures

101.              bullet

a projectile that is fired from a gun

102.              burnt

destroyed or badly damaged by fire

103.              burst

come open suddenly and violently

104.              bush

a woody perennial plant usually having several major stems

105.              cabinet

a storage compartment for clothes and valuables

106.              calculate

make a mathematical computation

107.              calculation

determination by mathematical or logical methods

108.              calmly

in a sedate manner

109.              capable

having ability

110.              capacity

capability to perform or produce

111.              capture

seize as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping

112.              cardboard

a stiff moderately thick paper

113.              care for

be fond of; be attached to

114.              carelessly

without care or concern

115.              cast

put or send forth

116.              category

a general concept that marks divisions or coordinations

117.              cause

events that provide the generative force of something

118.              cease

put an end to a state or an activity

119.              cell

the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms

120.              chairman

the officer who leads the meetings of an organization

121.              chamber

a natural or artificial enclosed space

122.              characteristic

typical or distinctive

123.              chart

a visual display of data or information

124.              chase

go after with the intent to catch

125.              cheat

defeat through trickery or deceit

126.              cheerfully

in a cheerful manner

127.              chemical

produced by reactions involving atomic or molecular changes

128.              chest

the part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates

129.              chew

chew (food); to bite and grind with the teeth

130.              chief

the head of a tribe or clan

131.              chop

cut with a hacking tool

132.              circumstance

the set of facts that surround a situation or event

133.              citizen

a native or naturalized member of a state

134.              claim

assert or affirm strongly

135.              classic

of recognized authority or excellence

136.              client

someone who pays for goods or services

137.              closely

in a close relation or position in time or space

138.              cloth

artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers

139.              clothing

a covering designed to be worn on a person's body

140.              code

a set of rules or principles or laws

141.              collapse

break down, literally or metaphorically

142.              column

a line of units following one after another

143.              combination

the act of bringing things together to form a new whole

144.              combine

put or add together

145.              comfort

a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain

146.              comfortably

in physical comfort

147.              command

an authoritative direction or instruction to do something

148.              commercial

connected with or engaged in the exchange of goods

149.              commission

the act of granting authority to undertake certain functions

150.              commit

engage in or perform

151.              commitment

the act of binding yourself to a course of action

152.              committee

a special group delegated to consider some matter

153.              community

a group of people living in a particular local area

154.              comparison

the act of examining resemblances

155.              competitive

involving rivalry over something

156.              complex

complicated in structure

157.              concentration

the spatial property of being crowded together

158.              concept

an abstract or general idea inferred from specific instances

159.              concern

something that interests you because it is important

160.              concerned

feeling or showing worry about something

161.              concrete

capable of being perceived by the senses

162.              conduct

the way a person behaves toward other people

163.              confidence

belief in yourself and your abilities

164.              confidently

with confidence; in a confident manner

165.              conflict

an open clash between two opposing groups

166.              confuse

mistake one thing for another

167.              confusion

a mistake that results from taking one thing to be another

168.              congress

a formal meeting, especially of representatives

169.              conscious

having awareness of surroundings and sensations and thoughts

170.              consequence

a phenomenon that is caused by some previous phenomenon

171.              considerably

to a great extent or degree

172.              consideration

the process of giving careful thought to something

173.              constant

uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing

174.              constantly

without variation or change, in every case

175.              construct

make by combining materials and parts

176.              construction

the act of building something

177.              consumer

a person who uses goods or services

178.              container

any object that can be used to hold things

179.              contemporary

occurring in the same period of time

180.              content

satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are

181.              context

the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation

182.              continuous

moving in time or space without interruption

183.              continuously

at every point

184.              contrast

the opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared

185.              contrasting

strikingly different

186.              contribute

give, provide, or supply something

187.              contribution

a voluntary gift made to some worthwhile cause

188.              controlled

restrained or managed or kept within certain bounds

189.              conventional

following accepted customs and proprieties

190.              convert

change the nature, purpose, or function of something

191.              cope

come to terms with

192.              council

a body serving in an administrative capacity

193.              counter

a calculator recording the number of times something happens

194.              county

the largest administrative district within a state

195.              courage

a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain

196.              crack

a narrow opening

197.              cracked

of paint or varnish; having the appearance of alligator hide

198.              craft

the skilled practice of a practical occupation

199.              crisis

a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something

200.              critical

of a serious examination and judgment of something

201.              criticism

a serious examination and judgment of something

202.              criticize

find fault with; point out real or perceived flaws

203.              crucial

of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis

204.              cure

a medicine or therapy that treats disease or relieves pain

205.              current

occurring in or belonging to the present time

206.              currently

at this time or period

207.              curve

the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes

208.              curved

having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend

209.              damp

slightly wet

210.              dare

a challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy

211.              data

a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn

212.              deal

be in charge of, act on, or dispose of

213.              debate

a discussion with reasons for and against some proposal

214.              debt

the state of owing something, especially money

215.              decade

a period of 10 years

216.              decay

the organic phenomenon of rotting

217.              decline

grow worse

218.              decoration

the act of adorning something

219.              decorative

serving an ornamental rather than a useful purpose

220.              deeply

to a great depth;far down

221.              define

show the form or outline of

222.              definite

precise; explicit and clearly defined

223.              definition

a brief explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase

224.              deliberate

carefully thought out in advance

225.              deliberately

in a careful unhurried manner

226.              delicate

developed with extreme subtlety

227.              delight

a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction

228.              demonstrate

give an exhibition of to an interested audience

229.              deny

declare untrue; contradict

230.              depress

push down

231.              depressing

causing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy

232.              desire

the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state

233.              desperate

a person who is frightened and in need of help

234.              desperately

with great urgency

235.              destruction

an event that completely ruins something

236.              detailed

developed with careful treatment of particulars

237.              determination

the act of finding out the properties of something

238.              determined

having been learned or found especially by investigation

239.              device

an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose

240.              devote


241.              devoted

zealous in allegiance or affection

242.              diamond

very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem

243.              disagreement

a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters

244.              disapprove

consider something to be bad, wrong, or inappropriate

245.              disapproving

expressing or manifesting disapproval

246.              disaster

an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

247.              discipline

a system of rules of conduct or method of practice

248.              discovery

the act of finding something

249.              dishonest

deceptive or fraudulent

250.              distinguish

mark as different

251.              distribute

give to several people

252.              disturb

trouble deeply

253.              division

the act of partitioning

254.              domestic

of or relating to the home

255.              dominate

be in control

256.              draft

a current of air

257.              dramatic

characteristic of a stage performance

258.              dramatically

with respect to dramatic value

259.              drug

a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic

260.              drunk

someone who is intoxicated

261.              e.g.

as an example

262.              ease

freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort

263.              economic

of or relating to production and management of wealth

264.              economy

the system of production and distribution and consumption

265.              edition

the form in which a text is published

266.              editor

the person who determines the final content of a text

267.              educate

give knowledge acquired by learning and instruction

268.              educated

possessing an education

269.              effective

producing or capable of producing an intended result

270.              effectively

in a manner producing an intended result

271.              efficiently

in a manner that wastes no time or effort

272.              elect

choose by a vote for an office or membership

273.              elegant

refined and tasteful in appearance, behavior, or style

274.              element

a substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances

275.              elsewhere

in or to another place

276.              embarrassment

the shame felt when inadequacy or guilt is made public

277.              emerge

come out into view, as from concealment

278.              emotion

any strong feeling

279.              emotional

of or pertaining to feelings

280.              emotionally

in an emotional manner

281.              emphasis

intensity or forcefulness of expression

282.              emphasize

stress or single out as important

283.              enable

provide the means to perform some task

284.              encounter

come together

285.              encouragement

the act of giving hope or support to someone

286.              enjoyment

act of receiving pleasure from something

287.              ensure

make certain of

288.              entertainer

a person who tries to please or amuse

289.              entertaining

agreeably diverting or amusing

290.              enthusiasm

a feeling of excitement

291.              enthusiastic

having or showing great excitement and interest

292.              entire

constituting the full quantity or extent; complete

293.              entirely

to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent

294.              entitle

give the right to

295.              equally

in a balanced or impartial way

296.              error

a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance

297.              essentially

at bottom or by something's very nature

298.              establish

set up or found

299.              estate

extensive landed property retained by the owner

300.              estimate

judge tentatively

301.              etc.

continuing in the same way

302.              eventually

after an unspecified period of time or a long delay

303.              evidence

knowledge on which to base belief

304.              evil

morally bad or wrong

305.              examine

observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect

306.              exception

an instance that does not conform to a rule

307.              excite

act as a stimulant

308.              existence

the state or fact of being

309.              expand

extend in one or more directions

310.              expectation

belief about the future

311.              expected

considered likely or probable to happen or arrive

312.              expense

a financial burden; money that must be paid out

313.              explosion

the act of bursting

314.              export

sell or transfer abroad

315.              expose

show; make visible or apparent

316.              express

communicate beliefs or opinions

317.              expression

the communication of your beliefs or opinions

318.              extend

stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope

319.              extension

act of expanding in scope

320.              extensive

large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity

321.              extent

the point or degree to which something extends

322.              extreme

of the greatest possible degree, extent, or intensity

323.              facility

a building or place that provides a particular service

324.              factor

anything that contributes causally to a result

325.              failure

an act that does not succeed

326.              faint

lacking clarity, brightness, or loudness

327.              faintly

to a faint degree or weakly perceived

328.              faith

complete confidence in a person or plan, etc.

329.              faithful

loyal and reliable

330.              faithfully

in a faithful manner

331.              fame

the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed

332.              fault

an imperfection in an object or machine

333.              feather

a light growth that makes up the covering of a bird's body

334.              feature

a prominent attribute or aspect of something

335.              sick

affected by impairment of normal physical or mental function

336.              fellow

a boy or man

337.              fence

a barrier that serves to enclose an area

338.              fighting

the act of fighting; any contest or struggle

339.              finance

the commercial activity of providing funds and capital

340.              finely

in tiny pieces

341.              firm

not soft or yielding to pressure

342.              firmly

with force

343.              fixed


344.              flame

combustion of materials producing heat and light and smoke

345.              flash

emit a brief burst of light

346.              focus

the concentration of attention or energy on something

347.              folding

the act of folding

348.              following

the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture

349.              force

influence that results in motion, stress, etc. when applied

350.              formal

in accord with established conventions and requirements

351.              formerly

at a previous time

352.              fortune

your overall circumstances or condition in life

353.              forward

at or to or toward the front

354.              found

set up

355.              freedom

the condition of being free

356.              freely

in a free manner

357.              frighten

cause fear in

358.              function

what something is used for

359.              funeral

a ceremony at which a dead person is buried or cremated

360.              gallon

United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters

361.              gambling

the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning

362.              gasoline

a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum; used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines

363.              gather

assemble or get together

364.              gear

a toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism

365.              generate

bring into existence

366.              generously

in a generous manner

367.              gentleman

a man of refinement

368.              gently

in a gentle manner

369.              genuine

not fake or counterfeit

370.              genuinely

in accordance with truth or fact or reality

371.              give up

give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat

372.              give birth

cause to be born

373.              global

involving the entire earth

374.              govern

exercise authority over, as of nations

375.              governor

the head of a state authority

376.              gradual

proceeding in small stages

377.              gradually

in a gradual manner

378.              grant

let have

379.              grave

a place for the burial of a corpse

380.              greatly

to an extraordinary extent or degree

381.              growth

changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level

382.              guarantee

an unconditional commitment that something will happen

383.              hammer

a hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle

384.              harm

any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.

385.              harmful

causing or capable of causing damage

386.              harmless

not causing or capable of causing harm

387.              heal


388.              heaven

any place of complete bliss and delight and peace

389.              hell

any place of pain and turmoil

390.              hesitate

pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness

391.              highlight

an area of brightness in a picture

392.              highly

to a great degree or extent; favorably or with much respect

393.              hip

either side of the body below the waist and above the thigh

394.              honour

the quality of being honorable and having a good name

395.              hook

a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something

396.              horn

a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone

397.              host

a person who invites guests to a social event

398.              household

a social unit living together in a residence

399.              hunting

the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone

400.              ideal

a principle or value that one hopes to attain or conform to

401.              ideally

preferably; for the best outcome or results

402.              identify

recognize as being

403.              identity

the characteristics by which a thing or person is known

404.              ignore

refuse to acknowledge

405.              illegal

prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules

406.              illegally

in an illegal manner

407.              illustrate

depict with a visual representation

408.              image

a visual representation produced on a surface

409.              immediate

directly before or after as in a chain of cause and effect

410.              immoral

deliberately violating principles of right and wrong

411.              impact

the striking of one body against another

412.              impatient

restless or short-tempered under delay or opposition

413.              impatiently

with impatience; in an impatient manner

414.              import

bring in from abroad

415.              importantly

in a significant way or to a significant degree

416.              impress

have a powerful and usually positive effect on

417.              impressed

deeply or markedly affected or influenced

418.              impression

a vague idea in which some confidence is placed

419.              impressive

making a strong or vivid mental image

420.              in public

in a manner accessible to or observable by the public

421.              incident

a single distinct event

422.              income

the amount of money one makes over a period of time

423.              increasingly

advancing in amount or intensity

424.              independence

freedom from control or influence of another or others

425.              independently

on your own; without outside help

426.              indicate

designate a place, direction, person, or thing

427.              industrial

of or relating to commercial enterprise

428.              infection

the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms

429.              influence

a power to affect persons or events

430.              informal

not in accord with established conventions and requirements

431.              initially

at the beginning

432.              injury

physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident

433.              inner

located inward

434.              innocent

free from sin

435.              institute

set up or lay the groundwork for

436.              institution

a custom that has been an important feature of some group

437.              insult

treat, mention, or speak to rudely

438.              insulting

expressing extreme contempt

439.              insurance

protection against future loss

440.              intelligence

the ability to comprehend

441.              intention

an anticipated outcome that guides your planned actions

442.              interior

inside and toward a center

443.              internal

located inward

444.              interpret

make sense of; assign a meaning to

445.              interruption

an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity

446.              introduction

the act of beginning something new

447.              invest

lay out money or resources in an enterprise

448.              investigate

conduct an inquiry of

449.              investigation

an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities

450.              investment

laying out money or capital in an enterprise

451.              involved

connected by participation or association or use

452.              involvement

the act of sharing in the activities of a group

453.              irritated

aroused to impatience or anger

454.              irritating

causing irritation or annoyance

455.              joint

junction by which parts or objects are linked together

456.              joy

the emotion of great happiness

457.              judgement

the act of judging or assessing a person or situation

458.              junior

including or intended for youthful persons

459.              justice

the quality of being fair, reasonable, or impartial

460.              justify

show to be right by providing proof

461.              kindness

the quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane

462.              lane

a narrow way or road

463.              largely

mainly or chiefly

464.              latter

the second of two or the second mentioned of two

465.              launch

propel with force

466.              layer

a single thickness of some substance or material

467.              leading

going or proceeding or going in advance; showing the way

468.              lean

incline or bend from a vertical position

469.              leave out

leave undone or leave out

470.              legal

established by or founded upon law or official rules

471.              legally

by law; conforming to the law

472.              lid

a movable top or cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening at the top of a box, chest, jar, pan, etc.

473.              living

pertaining to living persons

474.              locally

by a particular locality

475.              locate

determine the place of by searching or examining

476.              logical

based on known statements or events or conditions

477.              look at

look at carefully; study mentally

478.              look for

try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of

479.              loosely

knitted in a loose manner

480.              lord

a person who has general authority over others

481.              loss

the act of losing someone or something

482.              loyal

steadfast in allegiance or duty

483.              lung

either of two saclike respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the blood

484.              maintain

keep in a certain state, position, or activity

485.              major

greater in scope or effect

486.              majority

the main part

487.              make fun

subject to laughter or ridicule

488.              management

the act of controlling something

489.              manner

how something is done or how it happens

490.              manufacture

put together out of artificial or natural components

491.              manufacturer

someone who constructs or produces something

492.              manufacturing

the act of making something (a product) from raw materials

493.              marketing

the commercial processes in promoting and selling something

494.              mass

the property of a body that causes it to have weight

495.              massive

containing a great quantity of matter

496.              master

a person who has authority over others

497.              matching

being two identical

498.              mayor

the head of a city government

499.              means

how a result is obtained or an end is achieved

500.              measure

determine the dimensions of something or somebody

501.              measurement

assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule

502.              medical

relating to the study or practice of medicine

503.              melt

reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state

504.              mental

involving the mind or an intellectual process

505.              mentally

in your mind

506.              mere

being nothing more than specified

507.              merely

and nothing more

508.              mid

used in combination to denote the middle

509.              military

the armed forces of a nation

510.              minister

a person authorized to conduct religious worship

511.              minor

inferior in number or size or amount

512.              minority

being or relating to the smaller in number of two parts

513.              mixture

a collection containing a variety of sorts of things

514.              monitor

someone who observes to ensure fairness or prevent mistakes

515.              moral

concerned with principles of right and wrong

516.              morally

in a moral manner

517.              moreover

in addition

518.              motor

machine that creates mechanical energy and imparts movement

519.              movement

change of position that does not entail a change of location

520.              moving

in motion

521.              mud

water soaked soil; soft wet earth

522.              multiply

combine by adding the same number repeatedly

523.              muscle

animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells

524.              mysterious

beyond ordinary understanding

525.              nail

a thin pointed piece of metal that is hammered into materials as a fastener

526.              naked

completely unclothed

527.              nation

a politically organized body of people under a government

528.              naturally

in a natural or normal manner

529.              navy

an organization of military vessels belonging to a country and available for sea warfare

530.              necessarily

in such a manner as could not be otherwise

531.              needle

a sharp pointed implement

532.              neither

not either; not one or the other

533.              nervously

in an anxiously nervous manner

534.              network

an open fabric woven together at regular intervals

535.              nevertheless

despite anything to the contrary

536.              newly

very recently

537.              nicely

in a nice way

538.              non

negation of a word or group of words

539.              nonsense

a message that seems to convey no meaning

540.              nuclear

constituting the core or central part

541.              nut

usually large hard-shelled seed

542.              obey

comply with; do what one is told

543.              objective

the goal intended to be attained

544.              observation

the act of taking a patient look

545.              observe

watch attentively

546.              obtain

come into possession of

547.              occasionally

now and then or here and there

548.              occupied

held or filled or in use

549.              occupy

live in (a certain place)

550.              occur

come to pass

551.              odd

not divisible by two

552.              offence

a lack of politeness

553.              offend

cause to feel resentment or indignation

554.              offensive

unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses

555.              official

of or relating to a place of business

556.              opening

an open or empty space in or between things

557.              opponent

someone who offers resistance

558.              oppose

be against

559.              opposing

characterized by active hostility

560.              organized

methodical and efficient in arrangement or function

561.              origin

the place where something begins

562.              originally

with reference to the origin or beginning

563.              outer

located outside

564.              outline

the line that appears to bound an object

565.              outstanding

of major significance or importance

566.              overall

involving only main features

567.              overcome

win a victory over

568.              pace

the relative speed of progress or change

569.              package

a wrapped container

570.              packaging

material used to make packages

571.              parliament

a legislative assembly in certain countries

572.              particular

unique or specific to a person or thing or category

573.              partnership

a cooperative relationship between people or groups

574.              passage

the act of moving from one state or place to the next

575.              patience

good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence

576.              payment

the act of giving money in exchange for something

577.              pension

regular payment to allow a person to subsist without working

578.              permanently

for a long time without essential change

579.              personality

the complex of attributes that characterize an individual

580.              phase

any distinct time period in a sequence of events

581.              philosophy

the rational investigation of existence and knowledge

582.              physical

involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit

583.              physically

in accord with physical laws

584.              pint

a United States liquid unit equal to 16 fluid ounces

585.              pitch

the high or low quality of a sound

586.              pity

a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for misfortunes of others

587.              planning

an act of formulating a program for a course of action

588.              plot

a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation

589.              pointed

having a point

590.              poison

any substance that causes injury or illness or death

591.              poisonous

having the qualities of a substance that causes death

592.              policy

a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group

593.              polish

make (a surface) shine

594.              possession

anything owned

595.              potential

existing in possibility

596.              potentially

with a possibility of becoming actual

597.              practical

guided by experience and observation rather than theory

598.              practically

in a manner concerned with actual use

599.              praise

an expression of approval and commendation

600.              precise

sharply exact or accurate or delimited

601.              precisely

in a sharply exact manner

602.              preference

the right or chance to choose

603.              preparation

setting in order in advance some act or purpose

604.              presence

current existence

605.              preserve

keep in safety and protect from harm, loss, or destruction

606.              pressure

the act of putting pressure on something

607.              presumably

by reasonable assumption

608.              pretend

make believe with the intent to deceive

609.              pride

a feeling of self-respect and personal worth

610.              primarily

for the most part

611.              primary

of first rank or importance or value

612.              prime minister

head of government, especially of a parliamentary democracy

613.              priority

status established in order of importance or urgency

614.              privately

kept private or confined to those intimately concerned

615.              probable

likely but not certain to be or become true or real

616.              procedure

a particular course of action intended to achieve a result

617.              process

a particular course of action intended to achieve a result

618.              producer

someone who manufactures something

619.              production

the act or process of making something

620.              profit

the advantageous quality of being beneficial

621.              promotion

the act of raising in rank or position

622.              prompt

according to schedule or without delay

623.              promptly

with little or no delay

624.              proof

any evidence that helps to establish the truth of something

625.              proposal

the act of making a suggestion

626.              propose

present for consideration, examination, or criticism

627.              prospect

the possibility of future success

628.              protection

the activity of shielding someone or something

629.              protest

a formal and solemn declaration of objection

630.              proudly

with pride; in a proud manner

631.              publication

the act of issuing printed materials

632.              publicity

a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea

633.              punch

deliver a quick blow to

634.              punishment

the act of imposing a penalty

635.              purchase

acquire by means of a financial transaction

636.              qualify

prove capable or fit; meet requirements

637.              rapid

characterized by speed

638.              rapidly

with quick movements

639.              react

show a response to something

640.              reaction

an idea evoked by some experience

641.              reality

the state of being actual

642.              rear

the side of an object that is opposite its front

643.              recall

bring to mind

644.              reckon

expect, believe, or suppose

645.              reduction

the act of decreasing something

646.              refer

seek information from

647.              reference

the act of consulting

648.              reflect

throw or bend back from a surface

649.              regard

the condition of being honored or respected

650.              regional

characteristic of a particular area

651.              regulation

the act of bringing to uniformity

652.              reject

refuse to accept or acknowledge

653.              relatively

by comparison to something else

654.              release

grant freedom to; free from confinement

655.              relevant

having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue

656.              relief

the act of reducing something unpleasant

657.              religious

having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity

658.              rely on

put trust in with confidence

659.              remaining

not used up

660.              remains

the dead body of a human being

661.              remark

make or write a comment on

662.              remarkable

unusual or striking

663.              remote

located far away spatially

664.              removal

the act of taking out or causing to leave

665.              represent

be a delegate or spokesperson for

666.              representative

serving to typify

667.              reputation

the general estimation that the public has for a person

668.              requirement

necessary activity

669.              resident

someone who lives at a particular place for a long period

670.              resist

withstand the force of something

671.              resource

aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed

672.              respond

show a reaction to something

673.              response

the speech act of continuing a conversational exchange

674.              responsibility

the social force that binds you to a course of action

675.              responsible

worthy of or requiring trust; held accountable

676.              restore

bring back into original existence, function, or position

677.              retired

no longer active in your work or profession

678.              retirement

the state of being withdrawn from one's business

679.              reveal

make visible

680.              reverse

change to the contrary

681.              review

look at again; examine again

682.              revolution

a single complete turn

683.              rhythm

an interval during which a recurring sequence occurs

684.              ridiculous

incongruous or absurd

685.              rightly

with honesty

686.              risk

a source of danger

687.              roll

move by turning over or rotating

688.              root

underground plant organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes

689.              rope

a strong line

690.              roughly

with rough motion as over a rough surface

691.              royal

of or relating to a king, queen, or other monarch

692.              rub

move over something with pressure

693.              ruined

destroyed physically or morally

694.              rumour

gossip passed around by word of mouth

695.              rural

living in or characteristic of farming or country life

696.              rush

act or move at high speed

697.              sack

a bag made of paper or plastic for holding purchases

698.              sadly

in an unfortunate way

699.              sadness

the state of experiencing sorrow

700.              safety

being certain that adverse effects will not be caused

701.              salty

containing or filled with salt

702.              sample

a small part intended as representative of the whole

703.              satisfaction

the state of being gratified

704.              satisfy

meet the requirements or expectations of

705.              satisfying

providing abundant nourishment

706.              scale

an ordered reference standard

707.              scared

made afraid

708.              schedule

a list of times at which things are planned to occur

709.              scheme

an elaborate and systematic plan of action

710.              scratch

cut, scrape, or wear away the surface of

711.              screw

a simple machine with a threaded cylindrical rod and hole

712.              seal

fastener consisting of a resin that is plastic when warm

713.              secure

free from danger or risk

714.              seed

small, hard part of a plant from which a new plant can grow

715.              seek

try to locate, discover, or establish the existence of

716.              selection

the act of choosing

717.              self

relating to--of or by or to or from or for--the self

718.              senior

advanced in years

719.              sensitive

responsive to physical stimuli

720.              separated

being or feeling set or kept apart from others

721.              separately

apart from others

722.              separation

the act of dividing or disconnecting

723.              servant

a person working in the service of another

724.              settle

become resolved, fixed, established, or quiet

725.              severe

very harsh or strict, especially when dealing with others

726.              severely

to a severe or serious degree

727.              sexual

of or relating to or characterized by sexuality

728.              sexually

with respect to sexuality

729.              shallow

lacking physical depth

730.              shaped

having the shape of

731.              sharply

very suddenly and to a great degree

732.              shell

the outer covering of an animal

733.              shelter

covering that provides protection from the weather

734.              shift

move very slightly

735.              shooting

the act of firing a projectile

736.              shot

the act of firing a projectile

737.              signal

any action or gesture that encodes a message

738.              significant

rich in implication

739.              significantly

in an important manner

740.              simply

in a simple manner; without extravagance or embellishment

741.              skilful

having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

742.              skilfully

with skill

743.              skilled

having or showing or requiring special skill

744.              slide

move smoothly along a surface

745.              slight

small in quantity or degree

746.              slightly

to a small degree or extent

747.              slope

be at an angle

748.              smash

hit violently

749.              smoothly

with no problems or difficulties

750.              socially

by or with respect to society

751.              soil

material in the top layer of the surface of the earth

752.              solid

not soft or yielding to pressure

753.              source

the place where something begins

754.              specialist

an expert devoted to one occupation or branch of learning

755.              specific

stated explicitly or in detail

756.              spirit

the vital principle or animating force within living things

757.              spiritual

lacking material body or form or substance

758.              split

separate into parts or portions

759.              spray

water in small drops in the atmosphere

760.              spread

distribute or disperse widely

761.              squeeze

press firmly

762.              stand up

rise to one's feet

763.              standard

a basis for comparison

764.              stare

look at with fixed eyes

765.              state

the way something is with respect to its main attributes

766.              statement

the act of affirming or asserting something

767.              steadily

at a continuous rate or pace

768.              steady

securely in position; not shaky

769.              steam

water at boiling temperature diffused in the atmosphere

770.              steel

an alloy of iron with small amounts of carbon

771.              steeply

in a steep manner

772.              steer

be a guiding or motivating force or drive

773.              stick out

extend out or project in space

774.              stiff

incapable of or resistant to bending

775.              stiffly

in a rigid manner

776.              stock

a supply of something available for future use

777.              strain

exert much effort or energy

778.              strangely

in a strange manner

779.              strategy

an elaborate and systematic plan of action

780.              strength

the property of being physically or mentally powerful

781.              stretch

extend one's limbs or muscles, or the entire body

782.              strictly

in a stringent manner

783.              striking

having a quality that thrusts itself into attention

784.              string

a lightweight cord

785.              striped

marked or decorated with stripes

786.              stroke

a single complete movement

787.              strongly

with power

788.              structure

a complex entity made of many parts

789.              struggle

strenuous effort

790.              substance

the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists

791.              substantial

real; having a material or factual existence

792.              substitute

a person or thing that can take the place of another

793.              successfully

in a manner marked by a favorable outcome

794.              sudden

happening without warning or in a short space of time

795.              suffer

undergo or be subjected to

796.              suffering

feelings of mental or physical pain

797.              sufficient

of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement

798.              summary

a brief statement that presents the main points

799.              supply

circulate or distribute or equip with

800.              support

the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening

801.              surely

definitely or positively

802.              surface

the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer

803.              surroundings

the environment in which something exists or lives

804.              survey

determining opinions by interviewing people

805.              survive

continue in existence after

806.              suspect

regard as untrustworthy

807.              suspicion

an impression that something might be the case

808.              suspicious

openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

809.              swallow

pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking

810.              swear

to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true

811.              swearing

profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger

812.              sweat

salty fluid secreted by glands in the skin

813.              sweep

clean by using a broom or as if with a broom

814.              swing

change direction with a swinging motion; turn

815.              swollen

abnormally enlarged, bloated, or expanded

816.              swell

increase in size, magnitude, number, or intensity

817.              symbol

something visible that represents something invisible

818.              sympathetic

expressing compassion or friendly fellow feelings

819.              sympathy

sharing the feelings of others, especially sorrow or anguish

820.              tackle

seize and throw down an opponent player carrying the ball

821.              tail

the posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body

822.              take over

seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession

823.              take notice

observe with special attention

824.              target

a reference point to shoot at

825.              task

any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted

826.              technical

of or relating to aptitude in a practical skill

827.              temporarily

for a limited time only; not permanently

828.              tend

have a disposition to do or be something; be inclined

829.              tension

the action of stretching something tight

830.              thanks

an acknowledgment of appreciation

831.              theme

the subject matter of a conversation or discussion

832.              theory

a belief that can guide behavior

833.              thickly

with a thick consistency

834.              thickness

the dimension through an object as opposed to its length or width

835.              thorough

painstakingly careful and accurate

836.              thoroughly

in an exhaustive manner

837.              threat

declaration of an intention to inflict harm on another

838.              threaten

utter intentions of injury or punishment against

839.              threatening

suggesting or expressive of evil, harm, or danger

840.              thus

from that fact or reason or as a result

841.              tie up

secure with or as if with ropes

842.              tightly

in a tight or constricted manner

843.              ton

a United States unit of weight equivalent to 2000 pounds

844.              tone

the distinctive property of a complex sound

845.              tonne

a unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms

846.              tool

an implement used to perform a task or job

847.              tough

substantially made or constructed

848.              trace

an indication that something has been present

849.              trading

buying or selling securities or commodities

850.              tradition

a specific practice of long standing

851.              traditionally

according to long-standing practice

852.              transform

change or alter in appearance or nature

853.              transparent

able to be seen through with clarity

854.              transport

move something or somebody around

855.              trap

a device in which something can be caught and penned

856.              treat

apply a process to with the aim of preparing for a purpose

857.              treatment

the management of someone or something

858.              trial

the act of testing something

859.              triangle

a three-sided polygon

860.              tropical

relating to part of the Earth's surface with hot climate

861.              truly

in accordance with fact or reality

862.              truth

a factual statement

863.              twisted

having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented

864.              ultimate

furthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme

865.              unacceptable

not acceptable; not welcome

866.              uncertain

lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance

867.              unconscious

lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception

868.              uncontrolled

not being under control; out of control

869.              understanding

the condition of someone who knows and comprehends

870.              underwater

beneath the surface of the water

871.              undo

cancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect

872.              unexpectedly

in a way that was not expected

873.              unfairly

in an unfair manner

874.              unfortunate

marked by or resulting in bad luck

875.              unhappiness

state characterized by emotions ranging from mild discontentment to deep grief

876.              unique

the single one of its kind

877.              united

being or joined into a single entity

878.              unlike

marked by dissimilarity

879.              unreasonable

beyond normal limits

880.              unsteady

not firmly or solidly positioned

881.              unsuccessful

not successful

882.              unusually

to a remarkable degree or extent

883.              unwilling

not disposed or inclined toward

884.              upside down

in an inverted manner

885.              urban

relating to a city or densely populated area

886.              valid

well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force

887.              variation

the process of being or becoming different

888.              varied

characterized by diversity

889.              vary

become different in some particular way

890.              vast

unusually great in size or amount or extent or scope

891.              version

something a little different from others of the same type

892.              victim

an unfortunate person who suffers from adverse circumstances

893.              victory

a successful ending of a struggle or contest

894.              violence

a turbulent state resulting in injuries and destruction

895.              violent

acting with great force or energy or emotional intensity

896.              violently

in a violent manner

897.              virtually

in essence or in effect but not in fact

898.              visible

capable of being seen or open to easy view

899.              vision

the ability to see

900.              vital

performing an essential function in the living body

901.              waist

the narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips

902.              wander

move or cause to move in a sinuous or circular course

903.              warmth

the quality of having a moderate degree of heat

904.              weakness

a flaw

905.              wealth

property that has economic value

906.              weapon

any instrument used in fighting or hunting

907.              whisper

speaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords

908.              whistle

the sound made when someone forces breath through pursed lips

909.              widely

to a great degree

910.              width

the extent of something from side to side

911.              wildly

to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree

912.              willingly

in an agreeable manner and without reluctance

913.              willingness

cheerful compliance

914.              wind

air moving from high pressure to low pressure

915.              wind up

coil the spring of a device by turning a stem

916.              wire

ligament made of metal and used to fasten things or make cages or fences etc

917.              wise

having intelligence and discernment

918.              witness

someone who sees an event and reports what happened

919.              wound

an injury to living tissue

920.              wounded

suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle

921.              wrist

a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones

922.              wrongly

without justice or fairness

923.              yawn

an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth

924.              chairwoman

the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization



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