When you learn to speak a new language, it is important to pay attention to the most common phrases that are used in that language. Besides vocabulary, common phrases are one of the most important factors that decide whether or not you are capable of speaking a new language well enough in just a short period of time.
So, why are common phrases so important to your success?
A Common phrase is a group of words put together in order. It has a meaning different from the meaning of all individual words put together. Therefore, you have to learn and remember the whole phrase.
Common phrases are used in virtually every daily conversation that native English speakers have. If you want to improve your English speaking quickly, you must learn the way native speakers speak by learning the common phrases that always use the most
Simplifying Linking Words for Successful Writing. A comprehensive list and explanation
In addition, it is easier to memorize and recall a long phrase or sentence than it is a single word. This is especially true when developing listening skills because when you are a part of a conversation with native speakers, you will be more likely to recognize and understand a long phrase than a single word.
The same thing happens when you speak. If you use common phrases when you speak, native speakers will be more likely to understand what you are trying to say even if your pronunciation may not be that good.
For example, if you greet a native English speaker: “Is your health good?”, he would most likely not understand the question due to the fact that this is not a question that is commonly associated with a greeting. But if you were to ask them "Hi, how are you today?" then they are guaranteed to understand your meaning.
In conclusion, learning the most common phrases that native English speakers use is one of the fastest ways to learn Spoken English.
ADVANCED ENGLISH: Tips for Becoming a Confident Communicator.
Below are 80 of the most common Advanced level phrases which will help you to better understand, and be understood when having conversations with native speakers in English.
Good luck and good studying
Phrases to ask how someone is:
- What’s up?
- What’s new?
- What have you been up to lately?
- How’s it going?
- How are things?
- How’s life?
Phrases to say how you are:
- I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
- Pretty good.
- Same as always
- Not so great.
- Could be better
- can't complain
Phrases to respond to good news:
- That’s great!
- How wonderful!
- Awesome!
Phrases to respond to bad news:
- Oh no…
- That’s terrible.
- Poor you. (Use this to respond to people in bad situations that are not too serious)
- I’m so sorry to hear that.
Phrases to say thank you:
- I really appreciate it.
- I’m really grateful
- That’s so kind of you.
- I owe you one. (this means you want/need to do a favor for the other person in the future)
Phrases to respond to thank you:
- No problem.
- No worries
- Don’t mention it.
- My pleasure.
- Anytime.
Phrases for weather:
- It’s a little chilly.
- It’s freezing. (It's extremely cold)
- Make sure to bundle up. (To put on warm clothes to protect against the cold)
Phrases for hot weather:
- It’s absolutely boiling! (Extremely hot)
- it scorching hot outside
Phrases to end a conversation politely:
- It was nice chatting with you.
- Anyway, I should get going.
Phrases to ask for information:
- Do you have any idea…?
- Would you happen to know…? (When you’re not sure if the other person has the information.)
- I don’t suppose you (would) know…? (When you’re not sure if the other person has the information.)
Phrases for price:
- It cost a fortune.
- It cost an arm and a leg.
- That’s a rip-off. (It's far more expensive than it should be)
- That’s a bit pricey.
- That’s quite reasonable. (It’s a good price)
- That’s a good deal. (A good value for the amount of money)
- It was a real bargain.
- It was dirt cheap. (Extremely inexpensive)
Phrases for not having an opinion:
- I’ve never given it much thought.
- I don’t have strong feelings either way.
- It doesn’t make any difference to me.
- I have no opinion on the matter.
Phrases for agreeing:
- Exactly.
- Absolutely.
- That’s so true.
- That’s for sure.
- I agree 100%
- I couldn’t agree with you more.
- (informal) Tell me about it! / You’re telling me!
- (informal) I’ll say!
- I suppose so. (To agree, but reluctantly)
Phrases for disagreeing:
- I’m not so sure about that.
- That’s not how I see it.
- Not necessarily
Phrases to say I don’t know:
- I have no idea/clue.
- I can’t help you there.
- (informal) Beats me.
- I’m not really sure.
- I’ve been wondering that, too.
Phrases to invite someone somewhere:
- Are you free…
- Are you doing anything…
- (informal) Do you wanna…
- (formal)Would you like to…
Phrases for food:
- I’m starving! (Very hungry)
- Let’s grab a bite to eat.
- How about eating out tonight? (To eat out = eat at a restaurant)
- I’ll have… (You use this phrase for ordering in a restaurant)
Phrases for being tired:
- I’m exhausted.
- I’m dead tired.
- I’m beat
- I can hardly keep my eyes open
- I’m gonna hit the sack. (hit the sack = go to bed)
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