English is full of various forms of common expressions, be it idioms, phrasal verbs, metaphors, similes, slang etc and is basically a phrase or saying that is commonly used in everyday English to express certain ideas or opinions. Understanding English expressions is important for two reasons, firstly because they require a deeper familiarity of the English language to comprehend what someone means when they use them in conversation, and secondly, for those who live, work or study in an English speaking society, they reinforce your ability to understand the world in which you are living. Expressions may seem complicated at first, but they can actually be a lot of fun to learn. Common Expressions: A New Way to Express Yourself in the English Language The meaning of an expression generally depends on the specific context in which it is used. When someone tells you to ‘break a leg’, for example, they aren’t saying that in a literal sense, but instead are wishing you...
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