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50 British Slang Words that Everyone Needs to Know.


The English language can be very confusing, especially if you are learning British English. In Britain, like in many countries, they use a lot of slang. Slang is informal words, phrases and expressions that originate from groups of people or different regions and is generally more common in conversational English than it is in written English.


One of the reasons slang is so confusing for English learners is because there are so many regional variations, for example, slang used in Northern England is very different from slang used in London.  Also, the slang commonly used in American English is very different from what you find in British English and generally defies everything that you have learned about English, especially when it comes to the literal meaning of the specific words.

If you want to become a proficient communicator in English, an understanding of slang is essential. Even if you are at a beginner or lower intermediate level, some knowledge of slang will help you to understand and follow conversations better.

Below are 50 of the most common slang words that you would need to learn in order to have any chance of understanding a conversation in a variety of social situations with British people.

Good luck and good studying.

1. Bloke

“Bloke” would be the American English equivalent of “dude.” It means a "man."

2. Lad

In the same vein as “bloke,” “lad” is used, however, for boys and younger men.

3. Bonkers

Not necessarily intended in a bad way, "bonkers" means “mad” or “crazy.”

4. Daft

Used to mean if something is a bit stupid. It’s not particularly offensive, just mildly silly or foolish.

5. To leg it

This term means to run away, usually from some trouble! “I legged it from the police.”

6. Trollied / Plastered

These two words are British slang for drunk. One can get creative here and just add “ed” to the end of practically any object to get across the same meaning eg. hammered.

7. Quid

This is British slang for British pounds. Some people also refer to it as “squid.”

8. Dodgy

Used to describe something or someone a little suspicious or questionable. For example, it can refer to food which tastes out of date or, when referring to a person, it can mean that they are a bit sketchy.

9. Gobsmacked

This is a truly British expression. “Gobsmacked” means to be utterly shocked or surprised beyond belief. “Gob” is a British expression for “mouth”.

10. Bevvy

This is short for the word “beverages,” usually alcoholic, most often beer.

11. Knackered

“Knackered” is used when someone is extremely tired. For example, “I was up studying all night last night, I’m absolutely knackered.”

12. Lost the plot

Someone who has “lost the plot” has become either angry, irrational, or is acting ridiculously. For example, "When my dad saw the mess I made, he lost the plot.”

13. Taking the piss

To “take the piss” means to mock, or generally be sarcastic towards something. For example, “Don’t be so serious, I was only taking the piss.” Not to be confused with “being pissed” (see below).

14. Pissed

The British sure do love their bevvys. This is another word for being drunk.

15. Throwing a wobbly

This British expression means to have a tantrum, however, tends to be used when describing tantrums thrown by adults, or people who should otherwise know better.

16. A cuppa

A cuppa is the shortened version of “a cup of tea.” You might hear the expression “fancy a cuppa?” quite often which is normally always referring to tea. The British do love their tea after all!

17. Bloody

As British slang, “bloody” places emphasis on a comment or another word. “That’s bloody brilliant!” for example. It is regarded as a mild expletive (swear word) but due to its common usage, it is generally acceptable. For example, “Oh bloody hell!”

18. Can’t be arsed

“Can’t be arsed” is a less polite version of saying that you can’t be bothered doing something. You might also see this abbreviated to “CBA” in textspeak.

19. Chuffed

If someone is "chuffed," they are very happy or delighted.

20. Skint

“Skint” is a British expression to mean being broke or having no money. Lacking “fivers” and “tenners” if you will (see below).

21. Fiver

A five-pound note.

22. Tenner

A ten-pound note.

23. Bog

Not a muddy marsh, but a toilet. Oh, the British!

24. Bog roll

This is the paper you use in the bog, also known as “toilet paper.”

25. Bird

This is British slang for a girl or a woman.

26. Mug

“Mug” is more specifically London slang and is associated with the cockney accent. This is not a particularly nice word to describe someone as it means a fool or a stupid person.

27. Chav

This is a derogatory British slang word for a young hooligan who normally starts fights and makes trouble. “Chavs” are usually seen as lower class.

28. Git

“Git” is a British expression of insult. It describes a person, usually a man, who is very unpleasant, incompetent, or is an idiot.

29. Cheeky

This is used to describe someone’s behavior. If someone is being “cheeky,” they are being slightly rude or disrespectful but in a charming or amusing way. If you are a “cheeky” child, you are being brash or disrespectful and will probably get into trouble.

30. Slag off

To “slag someone off” means to make fun of a person by verbally attacking them.

31. Sod

This British expression shares a similar meaning to “devil” or “thing” and is used to refer to a person, particularly a man. “You stupid sod!“ or “You lucky sod!” for example.

32. Grafting

"Grafting" is Scottish slang denoting a lad who is trying to get a girl to like him. A bit like flirting. You'll hear this one a lot on the British Love Island.

33. Muppet

Another great British insult. A “muppet” is a person who is ignorant and is generally a bit clueless.

34. Pants

In the UK, “pants” typically refers to underwear. However, “pants” can also be used as an equivalent of the word "bad" e.g. "That's pants!"

35. Prat

Yet another classic British slang term of insult. A “prat” is someone who is full of themselves and, almost invariably, stupid as well. With a hint of delusion.

36. Nosh

“That’s real good nosh!” “Nosh” is a British expression for "food."

37. Buzzin’

“Buzzin’” can mean to be tipsy or slightly drunk, "I'm buzzin' after that pint." It’s also British slang for being excited or very happy, “I just booked my holiday to Spain, I’m absolutely buzzin’.”

38. Pied off

This is not a nice feeling. If you’ve been “pied off,” you’ve been rejected or shot down.

39. Bev

This one had most of us confused when we first heard it on Love Island 2019. “Bev” means a "handsome man."

40. To crack on

“To crack on with something” means to get started or continue with something. For example, “It’s getting late, I better crack on.”

41. Gutted

Meaning of being bitterly disappointed about something. “I was absolutely gutted when I heard the bad news.”

42. Blimey

“Blimey” is used as a way of expressing surprise at something, “Blimey, look at that!”

43. Cock-up

Get your mind out of the gutter! A “cock-up” is a mistake or failure, "I made a total cock-up of it."

44. Kerfuffle

If you’ve gotten yourself into a “kerfuffle,” you are generally involved in a disagreement with someone. “Kerfuffle” also has a similar meaning to “fuss.” For example, you can say, “It was all a big kerfuffle.”

45. Innit

This is the shortened and easier version of “isn’t it?” It’s seen as a general filler in a conversation or when seeking confirmation, eg. "Cool, innit."

46. Cracking

When something or someone is “cracking” it means that the thing or the person is particularly good or excellent. For example, “He’s a cracking lad” or “That’s a cracking cuppa.”

47. Minging

This is British slang for “disgusting” or “gross.”

48. Proper

“Proper” is used as an alternative to “very” or “extremely.” For example, “That’s proper good nosh, innit.”

49. To nick

This is a British expression to mean stealing. As in “I nicked these sweets from the shop.”

50. Faffing around

“Faffing around” is a very British pleasure. It means doing nothing particularly productive or taking unnecessary time to do something that should be relatively quick or straightforward.



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