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The 70 Best Food Idioms and Their Meaning.


Don't you just love English, it's intricate characteristics, it's various elements that many a student state are designed purely for the purpose of causing confusion and deception. One of these elements considered by a large percentage of students to be one of the most confusing are idioms.

Idioms are words, phrases, or expressions that are either grammatically unusual, such as, “Turning a blind eye” or "Feeling under the weather", or their meaning cannot be taken literally, as in, “Nerves of steel!” This expression does not mean that you literally have rods of steel running through your body, but it is a metaphorical expression that means that you are displaying extreme bravery in a moment that includes varying degrees of danger or stress.

Unlike most sentences that have a literal meaning, idioms have figurative meaning. A literal meaning is when each word in a sentence stays true to its actual meaning. Figurative meaning is when a combination of words mean something different than the individual words do.

If you take the sentence, The boy ate his lunch, you can figure out what the sentence means as long as you know what each part means. It's literal. But idioms don't work that way; they are figurative. Take the common idiom ''you let the cat out of the bag.'' If you take the literal parts and add them up, you would assume that it meant that a person was opening up a bag and letting a cat out of it. But that is not even close to what it means. The idiom doesn't even have anything to do with a cat or even a bag. Letting the cat out of the bag means to reveal a secret.

So, when you consider the importance of idioms, their relevance in everyday English, and the ever-increasing international opportunities that present themselves to non-English speaking people, how do we teach them to our students so that they are able to achieve a level of proficiency that is suitable for them to be able to possibly survive in an English speaking world?

Well, if you wish to follow the traditional path universally traveled by the majority of EFL institutions and teachers, firstly there are literally hundreds of websites partially, or fully dedicated to the study of idioms, and secondly, virtually every publishing house has at least one book series that is dedicated to idioms, and Englishes other pariahs; phrasal verbs and collocations.

On the other hand, if you wish to teach idioms more from the perspective of how a native speaker would learn them, keeping in mind that they don't use subject dedicated books when learning common expressions, then the way to do it is through reading, specifically fictional books. Fictional, rather than academic books, are a rich source of common expressions, be it idiomatic, phrasal verbs or collocations. Another excellent choice is auto-biographies or biographies because they too are more often than not full of these all-important common expressions.

In conclusion, it is impossible to understate the importance of idioms in the English language or the problems that a lack of knowledge in them could cause our students if, or when they are ever in a position of living, working or studying in an English speaking country. I believe that we teachers should, where possible, pay extra attention to their inclusion in our classes because when taught correctly, they can be a fun addition that the students can enjoy learning.

Below is a list of 70 idioms that relate to food that includes explanation and example.

Good luck and good teaching.

Food Idioms with Meaning and Examples

Food Idioms

(A) Baker’s Dozen

  • Meaning: Thirteen
  • ExampleYour order of a dozen doughnuts is ready. We’ll throw in one more to make it a baker’s dozen.

(A) Hard/Tough Nut to Crack

  • Meaning: A difficult problem
  • ExampleThe problem of how to motivate employees can be a tough nut to crack sometimes.

(Have) Egg on One’s Face

  • Meaning: Be embarrassed, feel foolish
  • ExampleFred had egg on his face after claiming he could climb the tree but then having to give up.

(Put) All One’s Eggs In One Basket

  • Meaning: Rely on a specific course of events
  • ExampleIf we depend on a rise in the price of oil, we’re putting all our eggs in one basket. What if it falls?

Note: Generally used with “put,” as in the example.

(Take It with a) Grain of Salt

  • Meaning: Be skeptical of a statement
  • ExampleJames will tell you all about his adventures in Africa, but take it with a grain of salt.

(The) Icing on the Cake

  • Meaning: A bonus; something that makes a good situation even better
  • ExampleMy new girlfriend is very intelligent. That she’s beautiful is just icing on the cake!

(To Be on the) Gravy Train

  • Meaning: To make an easy living, to benefit easily from one’s association with something that brings profits
  • ExampleEver since her company’s stock split, Rita’s been on the gravy train – she was given stock as a benefit.

Note: This expression probably originates from the language of railroad hoboes.

(To Have) Bigger Fish To Fry

  • Meaning: To have more important things to do
  • Example: I can’t help you with your presentation right now. I have bigger fish to fry.

Food Idioms (A)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with A.

A Few Sandwiches Short Of A Picnic

  • Meaning: Abnormally stupid, not really sane
  • ExampleSometimes I think John’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic. He never seems to understand directions.

A lot on one’s plate

  • Meaning: A lot to do
  • Example: I just have a lot on my plate right now while I’m finishing up my degree and doing this huge project for work.

Above The Salt

  • Meaning: Of high standing or honor.
  • ExampleWe’ll seat you at the head table-not next to the president, but definitely above the salt.

Note: Very old-fashioned

Acknowledge The Corn

  • Meaning: Admit to a mistake, especially a small one; point out one’s own shortcomings, or another’s
  • ExampleOK, I’ll acknowledge the corn. I took the candy bars from the kitchen table.

Acquired Taste

  • Meaning: Something one learns to appreciate only after trying it repeatedly
  • ExampleAsparagus is an acquired taste. I hated it as a child, but now I love it.

All Sizzle And No Steak

  • Meaning: Failing to live up to advance promotion or reputation
  • ExampleSome people feel the Apple Watch is all sizzle and no steak.

All The Tea In China

  • Meaning: Great wealth, a large payment
  • Example: I wouldn’t go out with him for all the tea in China!

Apple of One’s Eye

  • Meaning: A favorite person or thing, a person especially valued by someone
  • Example: Edward has only one child, and she’s the apple of his eye.

Food Idioms (B)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with B.

Bad Egg

  • Meaning: Someone who is not to be trusted
  • ExampleJames is a bad egg. Don’t trust him.

Note: This is much less common than its affectionate opposite, “good egg.”
Bar Fly (or Barfly)

  • Meaning: Someone who spends much of his or her time in bars
  • ExampleThe place was filled with barflies and other assorted creatures of the night.

Best (Greatest) Thing Since Sliced Bread

  • Meaning: An innovative development
  • ExampleHave you tried the new iPhone? It’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Big Cheese

  • Meaning: An important person in a company or organization
  • ExampleLet’s all be on our best behavior today. The big cheese (the president) will be visiting the office.

Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

  • Meaning: Try to do more than one is capable of doig
  • ExampleThat’s a huge lawn. Are you sure you can finish mowing it today? Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Bottom of the Barrel

  • Meaning: Low-quality choices
  • ExampleOur top five candidates for the job have all turned us down. We’re really getting down to the bottom of the barrel here-maybe we should place a new ad.

Be like chalk and cheese

  • Meaning: Things or people who are very different and have nothing in common
  • ExampleThe hotels here and in Russia are like chalk and cheese – you’ll find much better service here.

Bring Home the Bacon

  • Meaning: Earn money for one’s family
  • ExampleI can’t complain about my husband. He may not be the world’s most glamorous guy, but he brings home the bacon.

Food Idioms (C)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with C.

Carrot-and-Stick (Approach)

  • Meaning: A tactic in which rewards are offered, but there is also the threat of punishment
  • ExampleThe boss is using a carrot-and-stick approach-if we meet the sales target, we’ll get raises, but if we don’t, he’ll cut vacation time.


  • Meaning: To present evidence selectively to one’s own advantage
  • ExampleThe president was accused of cherry-picking research to justify her programs.

Chew the Fat

  • Meaning: Chat for a considerable length of time
  • ExampleWe’re not doing much – just chewing the fat and having a few beers. Why don’t you come over?

Cook Someone’s Goose

  • Meaning: To insure someone’s defeat, to frustrate someone’s plans
  • ExampleLet’s steal one of the spark plugs from Don’s car. That’ll cook his goose!

Couch Potato

  • Meaning: A lazy person who watches a great deal of television
  • ExampleMark is a couch potato. I can’t remember the last time he left his apartment except to go to work.

Cry over Spilt (USA: Spilled) Milk

  • Meaning: To waste energy moaning about something that has already happened
  • ExampleThe money is gone. Don’t cry over spilt milk – there will be new opportunities.

Cut the Mustard

  • Meaning: Do something adequately
  • ExampleI don’t think I’m too old to cut the mustard. If you give me a chance, I’m sure I can do the job well.

Food Idioms (E)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with E.

Eat Humble Pie

  • Meaning: To admit defeat or error, to accept humiliation
  • ExampleThe coach was forced to eat humble pie after confidently projecting victory.

Note: This is also used in the USA but is less common.

Eat Someone’s Lunch

  • Meaning: Defeat someone thoroughly
  • ExampleChina is systematically teaching people to speak African languages, but very few Americans can speak them. When it comes to trade with Africa, they’re going to eat America’s lunch.

Food Idioms (F)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with F.

Food for thought

  • Meaning: Something that makes you think carefully
  • ExampleThe teacher’s advice certainly gave me food for thought.

From Scratch

  • Meaning: From individual ingredients, not using a prepared mix
  • ExampleI’m looking forward to tonight – my girlfriend is baking me a cake from scratch for my birthday.

From Soup to Nuts

  • Meaning: Everything; from beginning to end
  • ExampleAmazon started out as a bookseller, but now they offer everything from soup to nuts.

Food Idioms (H)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with H.

Hard nut to crack

  • Meaning: A difficult problem or a difficult person
  • ExampleThis problem is getting me down. It’s a hard nut to crack.

Have a Lot on One’s Plate

  • Meaning: Be busy, be in the middle of many ongoing tasks
  • ExampleI’ve got a lot on my plate right now, but why don’t we meet next week?

Have bigger fish to fry

  • Meaning: Have more important things to do
  • ExampleIt’s really not worth my time; I’ve got bigger fish to fry!

Have egg on your face

  • Meaning: They are made to look foolish or embarrassed
  • ExampleThe CEO really had egg on his face after he went on stage to demonstrate the new product and couldn’t get it to work right.

Have One’s Cake and Eat It, Too

  • Meaning: To want two incompatible things (usually used in the negative)
  • ExampleIf you want lower taxes, you have to expect problems in school funding-you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Hit the Spot

  • Meaning: Be very satisfying (said of something eaten)
  • ExampleWe went to Mark’s Midtown for lunch. I had a grilled chicken sandwich, and it really hit the spot.

Hot Potato

  • Meaning: A controversial subject or difficult project that is best avoided
  • ExampleTax increases will be a hot potato in this election, and most candidates will try to avoid taking a stand on them even if they think they’re necessary.

Note: This is often used in political contexts.

Food Idioms (I)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with I.

In a Nutshell

  • Meaning: Expressed in a few words
  • ExampleYou should apply to the university now. There are lots of reasons, but in a nutshell, it will end up costing you more if you wait.

In a Pickle

  • Meaning: In need of help, in a difficult spot
  • ExampleI’m really in a pickle. I spent all the money I had saved, and I have no way to pay next semester’s tuition bill.

Food Idioms (L)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with L.

Like Two Peas in a Pod

  • Meaning: Bearing a strong resemblance
  • ExampleHallie and Maria aren’t related, but they’re so similar – like two peas in a pod.

Low-Hanging Fruit

  • Meaning: Easy parts of a task; solutions easy to obtain
  • ExampleIt’s easy to solve those puzzles – they’re low-hanging fruit. But the Sunday puzzle is much more difficult.

Food Idioms (N)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with N.

Not Mince Words

  • Meaning: Moderate or weaken a statement
  • ExampleThe boss didn’t mince words in my performance evaluation. She said if I didn’t improve, I’d be fired.

Nutty as a fruitcake

  • Meaning: Crazy; idiotic; wacky.
  • ExampleThe kids are always nutty as fruitcakes when they’ve had something sugary to eat.

Food Idioms (P)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with P.

Pie in the sky

  • Meaning: Something that is unrealistic or that cannot be achieved
  • ExampleHe keeps talking about how he’ll move to Los Angeles to be a famous actor, but it’s just pie in the sky if you ask me.

Piece of Cake

  • Meaning: Very easily done
  • ExampleI’ve already done the difficult parts – finishing the presentation tonight will be a piece of cake.

Piping Hot

  • Meaning: Very hot (generally said of food)
  • Example: Nothing tastes better than fresh cinnamon rolls, served piping hot.

Pour (Rub) Salt into (on) the Wound (an open wound)

  • Meaning: Worsen an insult or injury; make a bad situation worse for someone
  • ExampleBreaking up with George was bad enough, but seeing him out with Carla just poured salt into an open wound.

Food Idioms (R)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with R.

Read the Tea Leaves

  • Meaning: Predict the future from small signs
  • ExampleEveryone says things are going great for our company, but if you read the tea leaves you’ll see trouble ahead.

Note: This comes from the practice of fortune-telling by examining the patterns of tea leaves in the bottom of a cup.

Red Meat

  • Meaning: Political appeals designed to excite one’s core supporters; demagoguery
  • ExampleThe candidate threw red meat to the base, blaming immigrants for the country’s problems.

Note: This is often used in the phrase “throw red meat to the base,” as in the example.

Rotten to the Core

  • Meaning: Entirely evil
  • ExampleSam is rotten to the core. He steals, he lies, he’s violent. I’m glad he’s in prison.

Food Idioms (S)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with S.

Sell Like Hotcakes

  • Meaning: Be sold very quickly
  • ExampleThe new Honda is expected to sell like hotcakes after it’s released.

Simmer Down

  • Meaning: Become less angry; regain one’s composure
  • ExampleSimmer down. I won’t discuss this while you’re yelling at me.

Slower than molasses

  • Meaning: Exceptionally slow or sluggish; not fast at all.
  • ExampleThis old laptop my dad gave me is a piece of junk. It’s slower than molasses!

Small Potatoes

  • Meaning: Unimportant, insignificant
  • ExampleWe’re wasting our time on small potatoes. Let’s get to the big news that made us have this meeting.

Sour Grapes

  • Meaning: Spiteful disparagment of a goal one has failed to achieve
  • ExampleSince Susan got the job, Francisco has been saying he didn’t want it. But that’s just sour grapes.

Spill the Beans

  • Meaning: Reveal a secret
  • ExampleWe had planned this to be a surprise party for you, but Jason spilled the beans.

Food Idioms (T)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with T.

Take something with a pinch (grain) of salt

  • Meaning: If you take what someone says with a pinch of salt, you do not completely believe it.
  • Exampleheard that you can get a free movie ticket if you wear red, but Kevin toldme that, so I’m going to take it with a pinch of salt.

Take the Cake

  • Meaning: Be the most extreme instance
  • ExampleJulie has made some poor choices in men over the years, but this takes the cake.

Note: This is generally used as “this takes the cake” or “that takes the cake,” as in the example.”

The Whole Enchilada

  • Meaning: All of something.
  • ExampleNo, I don’t want just the basic version of the software. I’ll take it all. Give me the whole enchilada.

Note: This expression is North American.

There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

  • Meaning: Nothing is given to you without some expectation of something in return.
  • ExampleThere’s no such thing as a free lunch. You’ll have to turn over personal information, and it’ll cause you trouble later.

Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth

  • Meaning: A project works best if there is input from a limited number of people
  • ExampleLet’s divide the project staff into small teams. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Note: Too many cooks in the kitchen is another form. This is a proverb.

Tough cookie

  • Meaning: A very determined person
  • ExampleOur principal was a little lady, but she was one tough cookie!

Food Idioms (W, Y)

List of food idioms and sayings that start with W & Y.

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

  • Meaning: Stop deluding yourself
  • ExampleEmily, your boyfriend has been seen out with three different women just this week. You need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Walk on Eggshells

  • Meaning: To have to act very sensitively in order to avoid offending someone
  • ExampleI’m always walking on eggshells when I meet with Tim. He has good ideas, but he gets angry so easily.

Watering Hole

  • Meaning: A place where alcoholic beverages are served, a bar
  • ExampleWatering holes in New York City range from simple taverns serving a shot and a beer to spectacular skyscraper bars with 360-degree views and elaborate craft cocktails.

You Can’t Make an Omelet (Omelette) Without Breaking Some Eggs

  • Meaning: Achieving a major goal requires the ability to tolerate some problems
  • ExampleThe staff is arguing over the workload, but we have to continue. You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.


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