Make it interactive- Interactivity is the key, the foundation to a successful class, especially with regards to classes with children. When studying in their home, the attention of the children can easily shift from your class to those things which are happening in their home if your class is not interactive, or it is boring. Classes must be student-focused, they must engage the students in every way if you are to reach the same level of success that you achieve in the regular physical classroom. Do reading aloud, fingerplays, sing songs, sitting movement games, syllable games, rhyming games, name games/songs, write together (they write in their journal/paper while you write), painting/drawing, the message of the day, simple directed drawings, fine motor journal activities, dance party, freeze dance, playdough challenges (have kids bring playdough and make things with playdough together), "What’s missing" game, mystery bag games (hide something and give clues with letters, numbers, objects), virtual show and tell, or virtual show and share (share a project, drawing, or something they created or did).
The success of the class, and ultimately the level of education that the students receive is in your hands, and even though you are teaching under quarantine conditions, this is not an excuse for failure.
Make it short- You know your students and their attention span best so plan your classes to have a length that is appropriate for your students. Set realistic goals and expectations and stick to them. Traditionally, students who study online can achieve about 70% to 80% of what they can achieve in a regular classroom, and this needs to be taken into consideration when planning your classes. This doesn't mean that you provide a lower level of education, on contrary, you supply the same, just through less, yet more focused activities.
Shy students- You may have students who do not want to be on camera, and that is ok. They can turn their camera off or just sit to the side that way they can see and hear you but not be on video. They may sneak in view once they are comfortable. You may need to chat with the family so they know not to force them on video and explain that there is an option to turn off their camera. Just make sure to use the camera for a short period of time to verify that the students are in constant attendance and participating in your class rather than playing video games or chatting with their friends.
English Grammar and 11 Guidlines for Making it More Understandable.
Making the Rules of Grammar Easy to Understand
Use students' names- It may sound silly, but make it a point to say each student’s name as many times as you can. It is important that the students feel that even though they are in a virtual classroom, that they still have that familiar bond that they are accustomed to with their teacher. Every class, say hello and goodbye to each student, congratulate them, call them by name to answer questions etc. It’s a simple way to show that you care about each of them.
Use visuals to stimulate the learning process. Classes should use visual learning aids as the foundation of the class. PowerPoints, Presi, videos, etc add attractiveness to their computer screen and help to attract and maintain the students' attention.
Predictable schedule with visuals- Just as you do in your real classroom, construct a predictable routine for your students during virtual classes. Schedules reduce stress and increase productivity.
Good luck and good teaching.
Managing Director English For You Language Institute Trujillo Peru
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