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12 tips for teachers to share with parents whose children are now studying online.

10 Tips for At-Home Learning - Language Magazine

12 tips for teachers to share with parents whose children are now studying online.
Today, for the first time in human history, the majority of kindergarten, school, university and institute students in the world are studying online. Every day, rather than getting out of bed, eating breakfast and then going to their regular studies, they are moving their breakfast bowls and plates to one side and replacing them with a laptop or tablet at their kitchen table.
This situation has created a new, all be it temporary norm for parents as this is not a vacation, there is no traveling, no relaxing, they can`t go to the beach or spend the day at the fun park. Today, parents have to help their children to maintain their education through virtual classes, all the while, in many cases, being mandatorily quarantined in their homes.
In this article, I would like to share some suggestions with families about how to navigate through this unique situation in the most positive manner possible.
I hope that you find these suggestions helpful.
Remove all distractions
Removing all distractions is very important in order to keep children’s attention focused on their schoolwork during their classes. Before the classes commence, turn off all social media, music, televisions, video games and any other distraction that will take their attention away from their classes. The most important thing to remember is that whilst they are online, the environment must be similar to that which they experience in their regular classroom. You should limit their use of their devices, other than what is needed to complete their work until their classes are complete.
Make their environment comfortable, and functional.

It is important to create an area in the home, preferably in a specified area where they can study. Children will achieve their best results in a quiet, comfortable, and dedicated area that is strictly devoted to learning. This space should be different to where they normally do other activities. It is also important that every characteristic of their study area is focused on their education and that, if possible, no non-educational distractions are there to distract their attention.
In addition, make the size of their desk large enough so that there is more than sufficient room for their computer and all of their materials. If possible, especially in the case of kindergarten and primary students, have a wall where their creative activities can be put on display.
Furthermore, a comfortable chair is essential for the physical wellbeing of the children. If the chair that they are using is uncomfortable, then it will generate discomfort, or maybe even pain and that will distract their attention away from their studies.

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Set routines that include breaks.

Routines and schedules are extremely important for children at school, it forms the organizational foundation of their day, a fact that is equally important whilst they are studying at home in their virtual classes.

An important point to remember is that children will study more effectively if they are able to maintain their routine as close as possible to what they were used to in their normal classes. Setting times so that they are similar to those they experienced at school is essential for keeping them on a balanced schedule. During break times, encourage them to get up, move around, do something outside if possible, or even have a snack to prevent them from being sedentary all day.
Interaction with their friends.

Children are used to social interaction at school, so they will definitely feel the effects of being separated from their friends during the quarantine. While it might not be safe for your kids to go out into the streets of walk a few blocks to see their friends in person, you should allow them to interact with their friends online using video apps such as ZOOM, Skype ect. During quarantine, video chats will have a far greater psychological benefit for children than mere chatting on social media. Video chats are the best way for friends to interact socially without endangering the health of themselves or their friends.

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Don`t rely solely on online activities, include offline activities as well.

Too much time in front of a computer can have negative effects on young brains, so it’s important to include a wide variety of different activities during this time. During breaks, don’t let children continue to use an electronic device of any kind, rather include some physical activities in order to rest their eyes and change their thought patterns. If possible, ask their teachers to either supply or suggest materials, or, even have them read a book or listen to music.
Create chatting groups

Keep in contact with the other parents from your child’s classroom through chat groups such as Whatsapp. Discuss problems, share solutions, and maintain your own level of much needed social interaction.
Keep your children physically active.

There are many reasons why it is essential for children to be physically active during this time of quarantine, but two very important reasons are:

(a) Children have boundless energy, and if it is not put to good use, it can quickly turn into a negative characteristic of your daily life.

(b) If children sit, day after day, week after week, with limited physical activity, then it could have various negative side effects for their health.
Take the time to search for activities that will help to keep them physically active during breaks from their classes. If you live in a house that has a garden, kick a football, throw a basketball or just let them run around and go crazy.
If you live in an apartment, and you are unable to go outside, go to youtube, search for yoga or aerobic videos. If that idea is not tempting to your children, play their favorite music, and let them dance and dance and dance until they don’t want to dance anymore. If household chores are a part of your child’s daily routine, make their duties physical such as sweeping and washing floors, making their bed ect so that they can use up their energy in a productive manner.

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Let them have a say

Ask your children what they would like to do? Set limits such as “No cellphone / Tablet / Laptop” . Children will always be more enthusiastic when they are doing an activity that they were allowed to choose.
Set a daily schedule

If all of the members of your family are working and studying from home, it’s probable that this is a truly new and unique experience for you all. Normally, in our regular lives, our days are very organized, schedules are set, an appointment is made and we follow these religiously. During these times of quarantine, planning and establishing a daily schedule is extremely important. When setting schedules, set the same times for the whole family that you lived with before the quarantine. Continuity and structure remove an enormous amount of stress from our daily lives. In regards to your children’s classes, if a daily schedule was not provided by their school, sit down together and help them to prepare one for not only each day but for each week, as well.
For children, having an understanding of what is expected of them will help them to realize that even though they are at home, it does not mean that they don’t have to continue their studies. When helping them to prepare a schedule, prioritize their responsibilities, set goals, create tasks, and establish deadlines, just like they are used to when they study in their regular classes.

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Quarantine is not a vacation

For children, this quarantine might feel like a vacation, but it is extremely important to remind them that their education not only continues but that it must continue in much the same way as it did in their regular classes.
          Remember to schedule a time for family activities
Even though this time of quarantine is not a vacation, it’s important for your children to continue to have some fun while they are at home. Rather than considering the quarantine as being 100% negative, look on the bright side, how often do you get to spend this amount of time with your children. Use this as a time to strengthen your family through a variety of activities. Have movie nights, cook together, play board games, card games or even do some jigsaw puzzles. Have schedules when everyone cleans the house together, or if you have a garden, go outside, have a barbeque, throw a football or play basketball. This is such a unique opportunity to reinforce your family bond, especially for those people who normally work many hours a day and miss out on opportunities for family bonding.
Set, teach, and maintain household duties.

How many times have parents complained that their children do nothing around the house? What an amazing opportunity to teach your children how to cook, to wash dishes, to wash and iron clothes, to make their beds or to clean the house. Have they ever learned to cut the grass or to even wash the dog, or are all of these chores normally left up to poor old Mum and Dad?
Whilst for many children these chores may seem like a punishment and they will fight for their rights as children to be free of such duties, something that is very important to remember is that at some stage in their lives they will leave home, and when they do, their lives will be far smoother if they already know how to do the basics.
Take this time to teach them how to function as an equal member of their home, teach them responsibility and the fact that their parents are not their personal housekeeper and gardener. Take this time to teach your children everything that they need to know in order to be productive members of your household, and once you have, set daily chores for each of them to complete.
I hope that these tips help families to survive as they navigate their new, temporary online reality.
Remember the old saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” Make this situation a lemon moment in your life and get as many positives out of it as you can.
Good luck, and good parenting.



  1. I don't mean to be a grammar-nazi, but since you are speaking about the good use of English I thought it would be important to mention that you wrote 'responsable' a very common mistake among Spanish speakers and that goes a little against your article. Feel free to delete this comment after you checked what I said. Greetings and keep up with that great work!


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