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Showing posts from April, 2020

Making online classes fun and interactive. 20 Tips For Achieving Success.

Making online classes fun and interactive. 20 Tips For Achieving Success. Going from the physical, to the virtual classroom has not been an easy transition for most teachers. I have spoken to many friends who are normally extremely successful teachers due to their ability to connect and interact with their students, but who, at the moment, are finding the virtual classroom hard to adapt to. They tell me that they are feeling lost, that they feel as if they are failing their students and that they not achieving their goals or living up to their responsibilities. As both a Headmaster of a private ib bilingual school and the owner of my own language Institute, both of which are teaching online during the quarantine,  I have found that the secret to success for teachers in the virtual classroom lies squarely upon our ability to successfully interact with our students. When we are able to interact with our students, we engage them, we attract their attention, we awaken their desire to...

12 tips for teachers to share with parents whose children are now studying online.

12 tips for teachers to share with parents whose children are now studying online. Today, for the first time in human history, the majority of kindergarten, school, university and institute students in the world are studying online. Every day, rather than getting out of bed, eating breakfast and then going to their regular studies, they are moving their breakfast bowls and plates to one side and replacing them with a laptop or tablet at their kitchen table. This situation has created a new, all be it temporary norm for parents as this is not a vacation, there is no traveling, no relaxing, they can`t go to the beach or spend the day at the fun park. Today, parents have to help their children to maintain their education through virtual classes, all the while, in many cases, being mandatorily quarantined in their homes. In this article, I would like to share some suggestions with families about how to navigate through this unique situation in the most positive manner possible. ...

Improving your online classes by bringing the virtual world into your virtual classroom.

Improving your online classes by bringing the virtual world into your virtual classroom. Today, for the first time in the history of the world, a huge percentage, if not the majority of students are studying their regular school classes online due to the CORONA VIRUS. This new, unique yet devastating situation has created a new daily reality not only for students, but for the millions of school, university and institute teachers in countries all over the world who never ever contemplated teaching online classes. Teachers who are normally totally at home in their classroom, comfortable and confident with the methodology that they have perfected over the years, giving Hi5s to their students for encouragement, chatting with the kids in the playground during the breaks and having meetings with their peers in the teachers' room now find themselves physically alone, cut off from everything that they know and feel comfortable with, yet expected to achieve the same result...