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Showing posts from April, 2024

The True Craziness of The English Language.

There is no   EGG   in   EGGPLANT   nor   HAM   in   HAMBURGER , neither   APPLE   nor   PINE   in   PINEAPPLE .   ENGLISH MUFFINS  weren’t invented in   ENGLAND .   QUICKSAND   can work   SLOWLY ,   BOXING RINGS  are   SQUARE , and a   GUINEAPIG   is neither from   GUINEA   nor it is a  PIG . And why is it that   WRITERS WRITE , but   FINGERS   don’t   fing ,   GROCERS  don’t   GROCE   and   HAMMERS  don’t   HAM ? Doesn’t it seem crazy that you can make   AMENDS   but not one   AMEND ? If   TEACHERS TAUGHT , why isn’t it that in the past   PREACHERS PRAUGHT ? If a   VEGETARIAN   eat   VEGETABLES , what does a   HUMANITARIAN   eat? In what other language do people  RECITE  at a  PLAY  and  PLAY at a  RECITAL ? We  SHIP BY TRUCK  but  SEND CARGO BY SHIP  . We have  NOSES  that  RUN  and  FEEL  that  SMELL . We  PARK  in a  DRIVEWAY  and  DRIVE  in a  PARKWAY . And how can a  SLIM CHANCE  and a  FAT  CHANCE  be the same, while a  WISE MAN  and a  WISE GUY  are opposites? You have to marv

20 Funny Sentences That Prove That English Can Be Crazy.

   1)   The   bandage   was   wound   around   the   wound . 2)  The   farm   was   used to   produce   produce . 3)  The   dump   was   so   full   that   it   had   to   refuse   more   refuse . 4)  We   must   polish   the   Polish   furniture . 5)  He   could   lead   if   he   would   get   the   lead   out . 6)  The   soldier   decided   to desert   his   dessert   in   the   desert . 7)  Since   there   is   no   time   like   the   present ,  he   thought   it   was   time   to   present   the   present . 8)  At   the   Army   base ,  a   bass   was   painted   on   the   head   of   a   bass   drum . 9)  When   shot   at ,  the   dove   dove   into   the   bushes . 10)  I   did   not   object   to   the   object . 11)  The   insurance   was   invalid   for   the   invalid . 12)  There   was   a   row   among   the   oarsmen   about   how   to   row . 13)  They   were   too   close to   the   door   to   close   it . 14)  The   buck   does   funny   things   when   the   does  

20 Crazy English Expressions That You Need to Know,

The English language is, quite possibly, one of the strangest languages out there. Contradicting rules, incredibly unique words, and confusing idioms are just a few reasons why. Below, I have highlighted 20 of the strangest English expressions and how to use them properly. 1. Airy-fairy [informal] [adjective] Meaning unrealistic or impractical. Example I get bored of listening to his  airy-fairy  ideas about getting famous in the future. 2. Ar gy-bargy [informal] [noun] Meaning a loud argument or heated discussion. Example There was a lot of  argy-bargy  outside the local nightclub on Saturday. 3. D illy-dally [informal] [verb] Meaning to waste time. Example You can’t be late for your interview today, so don’t  dilly-dally  and get ready now!” 4. Fuddy-duddy [informal] [noun] Meaning a person with old-fashioned ideas and opinions. Example Don’t listen to that old  fuddy-duddy . He’s ideas about education are so out-of-date. 5. Funny money [informal] [noun] Meaning illegal or counterfei