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Showing posts from March, 2024

The New SAT Digital Test. Everything That You Need to Know

The Digital SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is an electronic version of the traditional SAT exam administered by the College Board. It aims to provide a modern and streamlined testing experience for students while assessing their readiness for college. In this detailed explanation, we'll delve into the structure, sections, instructions, and key features of the Digital SAT. Introduction to the Digital SAT The Digital SAT is designed to assess a student's readiness for college-level studies. It evaluates critical reading, writing, and math skills that are essential for success in higher education. Unlike the traditional paper-based SAT, the Digital SAT is administered entirely online, providing students with a familiar digital environment. All About The SAT Digital Test What’s Staying The Same On The Digital SAT? First and foremost, it is important to note that some elements remain the same as the test transitions to its digital form. Like the written test, the digital version i...

The 60 Most Effective English Words to Learn and Use.

Learning English can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. To ease the journey, we've curated a list of the 60 most effective English words that will significantly enhance your communication skills. With clear meanings and illustrative examples, this comprehensive guide aims to empower learners with the essential vocabulary for diverse situations. Section 1: Foundation Words for Basic Communication Hello : Used to greet someone. Example: "Hello, how are you today?" Goodbye : Used to bid farewell. Example: "Goodbye, see you tomorrow!" Yes : Affirmative response. Example: "Yes, I would like some tea." No : Negative response. Example: "No, thank you, I'm not hungry." Please : Polite request. Example: "Please pass me the salt." Thank you : Expressing gratitude. Example: "Thank you for helping me." Sorry : Apologizing for a mistake. Example: "I'm sorry for being late." Excuse me : Seeking attention politel...