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Showing posts from March, 2021

Tips for improving and maintaining your speaking skills.

  When you ask a language student what their goals are, almost everyone says “improve my speaking”. When learning a foreign language, you’ll find yourself talking with all kinds of native speakers – your teacher, servers in restaurants, taxi drivers, and your landlord, so it’s vital that you feel comfortable. Like all skills in English, there are techniques that you can use to improve your spoken English in a more direct way. Here are some of my favorites 1. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes Many language learners get so stressed about their speaking yet they forget that their basic goal is to deliver a message, not to speak perfect English, with perfect grammar and vocabulary. Remember, that even native English speakers make mistakes! 2. Speak, speaking, spoken. Let’s start by saying that there isn’t an easy way to perfect better speaking. Basically, the best way to speak better is to practice, practice and more practice! Commit to practicing often and with as many differ...

Improving your English though social media.

  Do you have a smartphone in your pocket, a table in your bag or a laptop waiting for you at home?  Do you enjoy using social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, Tic Toc, Youtube or Twitter?  Have you ever thought about using social media tools to practice and improve your English skills?  Today, learning English involves much more than progressing, chapter by chapter through textbooks, doing tests, and putting what you learnt into practice. With the advent of the Internet and its attendant technology, hosts of options exist for improving your English skills. These options involve interacting with others online via social networks - communicating in order to learn about other cultures, have fun, and to learn English at the same time. People are increasingly communicating online using on many, if not all of these diverse social sites. They enjoy the immediacy and convenience of chatting with other people, anywhere in the world, any time, any place, anywhere. In th...

10 simple tips for improving and maintaining your English speaking skills.

  10 tips for improving and enhancing your English speaking skills. Many students are able to master the finer points of English grammar and vocabulary, but they often find themselves at a loss when it comes to actually having a conversation with native speakers. In reality, the only way to develop fluency in another language is through huge amounts of listening and speaking. Here are a few tips for improving your English speaking skills. 1. Speak! Be confident and speak as often as possible, to as many people as you possibly can! Don’t be shy to make mistakes! The more you practice, the better and more confident you will become in your pronunciation and vocabulary. Remember, speaking is a skill, like learning a musical instrument or new sport — the only way you can get good is to actually do it! 2. Read Aloud Read the newspaper or a magazine out loud to yourself. You can even find a script from your favorite TV show and act it out! This is a great way to practice ...

The most common grammatical mistakes, and how to fix them.

  1. Run-on Sentence or Comma Splice A run-on sentence is a sentence that joins two independent clauses without punctuation or the appropriate conjunction. A comma splice is similar to a run-on sentence, but it uses a comma to join two clauses that have no appropriate conjunction. Fixing a run-on sentence or a comma splice can be accomplished in one of five different ways. Incorrect sentence: “Rachel is very smart, she began reading when she was three years old.” Solution 1: Separate the clauses into two sentences. “Rachel is very smart. She began reading when she was three years old.” Solution 2: Replace the comma with a semicolon. “Rachel is very smart; she began reading when she was three years old.” Solution 3: Replace the comma with a coordinating conjunction. “Rachel is very smart, for she began reading when she was three years old.” Solution 4: Replace the comma with a subordinating conjunction. “Rachel is very smart because she began reading when she was...